
You can extend Raster Vision easily by writing Plugins. Any Config that is created using the Fluent Builder Pattern, that is based on a key (e.g. rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.KERAS_CLASSIFICATION)) can use plugins.

All of the configurable entities that are constructed like this in the Raster Vision codebase use the same sort of registration process as Plugins - the difference is that they are registered internally in the main Raster Vision Global Registry. Because of this, the best way to figure out how to build components of Raster Vision that can be plugged in is to study the codebase.

Creating Plugins

You’ll need to implement an interface for the Plugin, by inheriting from Task, Backend, etc. You will also have to implement a Config and ConfigBuilder for your type. The Config and ConfigBuilder should likewise inherit from the appropriate parent class - for example, if you are implementing a backend plugin, you’ll need to develop implementations of Backend, BackendConfig, and BackendConfigBuilder. The __init__ method of BackendConfig takes a backend_type, which you will have to assign a unique string. This will be the key that you later refer to in your experiment configurations. For instance, if you developed a new backend that passed in the backend_type = "AWESOME", you could reference that backend configuration in an experiment like this:

backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder("AWESOME") \
            .with_awesome_property("etc") \

You’ll need to implement the to_proto method on the Config and the from_proto method on ConfigBuilder. In the .proto files for the entity you are creating a plugin for, you’ll see a google.protobuf.Struct custom_config section. This is the field in the protobuf that can handle arbitrary JSON, and should be used in plugins for configuration.


Be sure to review the Configuration Topics and ensure you’re implementing report_io and update_for_command properly in your configuration.


A common pitfall is implementing the ConfigBuilder.from_proto and Config.to_proto methods correctly. Look to other Config and ConfigBuilder implementations in the Raster Vision codebase for examples on how to do this correctly - and utilize the custom_config in the protobufs to be able to set arbitrary configuration that is specific to your plugin implementation.

Registering the Plugin

Your plugin file or module must define a register_plugin method with the following signature:

def register_plugin(plugin_registry):

The plugin_registry that is passed in has a number of methods that allow for registering the plugin with Raster Vision. This is the method that is called on startup of Raster Vision for any plugin configured in the configuration file. See the Plugin Registry API reference for more information on registration methods.

Configuring Raster Vision to use your Plugins

Raster Vision searches for register_plugin methods in all the files and modules listed in the Raster Vision configuration. See documentation on the PLUGINS section of the configuration for more info on how to set this up.

Plugins in remote environments

In order for plugins to work with any ExperimentRunners that execute commands remotely, the configured files or modules will have to be available to the remote machines. For example, if you are using AWS Batch, then your plugin cannot be something that is only stored on your local machine. In that case, you could store the file in S3 or in a repository that the instances will have access to through HTTP, or you can ensure that the module containing the plugin is also installed in the remote runner environment (e.g. by baking a Docker container based on the Raster Vision container that has your plugins installed, and setting up the AWS Batch job definition to use that container).

Command configurations contain the paths and module names of the plugins they use. This way, the remote environment knows what plugins to load in order to successfully run the commands.

Example Plugin


from copy import deepcopy

import rastervision as rv
from rastervision.evaluation import (Evaluator, EvaluatorConfig,
from rastervision.protos.evaluator_pb2 import EvaluatorConfig as EvaluatorConfigMsg


class EasyEvaluator(Evaluator):
    def __init__(self, message):

    def process(self, scenes, tmp_dir):

class EasyEvaluatorConfig(EvaluatorConfig):
    def __init__(self, message):

    def to_proto(self):
        msg = EvaluatorConfigMsg(
            evaluator_type=self.evaluator_type, custom_config={ "message": self.message })
        return msg

    def create_evaluator(self):
        return NoopEvaluator(self.message)

    def update_for_command(self, command_type, experiment_config, context=[]):
        return (self, rv.core.CommandIODefinition())

class NoopEvaluatorConfigBuilder(EvaluatorConfigBuilder):
    def __init__(self, prev=None):
        self.config = {}
        if prev:
            self.config = {
                'message': prev.message

        super().__init__(EasyEvaluatorConfig, {})

    def from_proto(self, msg):
        return self.with_message(msg.custom_config.get("message"))

    def with_message(self, message):
        b = deepcopy(self)
        b.config['message'] = message
        return b

def register_plugin(plugin_registry):
    plugin_registry.register_config_builder(rv.EVALUATOR, NOOP_EVALUATOR,

You can set the file location in the path of your Raster Vision plugin configuration in the files setting, and then use it in experiments like so (assuming EASY_EVALUATOR was defined the same as above):

evaluator = rv.EvaluatorConfig.builder(EASY_EVALUATOR) \
                              .with_message("Great job!") \

You could then set this evaluator on an experiment just as you would an internal evaluator.