Source code for rastervision.pipeline.file_system.utils

import os
from os.path import join, normpath, relpath
import shutil
from threading import Timer
import time
import logging
import json
import zipfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, List

from import tqdm

from rastervision.pipeline import rv_config_ as rv_config
from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import FileSystem
from rastervision.pipeline.file_system.local_file_system import (
    LocalFileSystem, make_dir)

    from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_local_path(uri: str, download_dir: str, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None) -> str: """Return the path where a local copy of URI should be stored. If URI is local, return it. If it's remote, we generate a path for it within download_dir. Args: uri: the URI of the file to be copied download_dir: path of the local directory in which files should be copied fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for URI Returns: a local path """ if uri is None: return None if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(uri, 'r') path = fs.local_path(uri, download_dir) return path
[docs]def sync_to_dir(src_dir: str, dst_dir_uri: str, delete: bool = False, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None): """Synchronize a local source directory to destination directory. Transfers files from source to destination directories so that the destination has all the source files. If FileSystem is remote, this involves uploading. Args: src_dir: path of local source directory dst_dir_uri: URI of destination directory delete: if True, delete files in the destination to match those in the source directory fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for dst_dir_uri """ if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(dst_dir_uri, 'w') fs.sync_to_dir(src_dir, dst_dir_uri, delete=delete)
[docs]def sync_from_dir(src_dir_uri: str, dst_dir: str, delete: bool = False, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None): """Synchronize a source directory to local destination directory. Transfers files from source to destination directories so that the destination has all the source files. If FileSystem is remote, this involves downloading. Args: src_dir_uri: URI of source directory dst_dir: path of local destination directory delete: if True, delete files in the destination to match those in the source directory fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for dst_dir_uri """ if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(src_dir_uri, 'r') fs.sync_from_dir(src_dir_uri, dst_dir, delete=delete)
[docs]def start_sync(src_dir: str, dst_dir_uri: str, sync_interval: int = 600, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None): # pragma: no cover """Repeatedly sync a local source directory to a destination on a schedule. Calls sync_to_dir on a schedule. Args: src_dir: path of the local source directory dst_dir_uri: URI of destination directory sync_interval: period in seconds for syncing fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem """ def _sync_dir(): while True: time.sleep(sync_interval)'Syncing {} to {}...'.format(src_dir, dst_dir_uri)) sync_to_dir(src_dir, dst_dir_uri, delete=False, fs=fs) class SyncThread: def __init__(self): thread = Timer(0.68, _sync_dir) thread.daemon = True thread.start() self.thread = thread def __enter__(self): return self.thread def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.thread.cancel() return SyncThread()
[docs]def download_if_needed(uri: str, download_dir: Optional[str] = None, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None, use_cache: bool = True) -> str: """Download a file into a directory if it's remote. If uri is local, there is no need to download the file. Args: uri (str): URI of file to download. download_dir (Optional[str], optional): Local directory to download file into. If None, the file will be downloaded to cache dir as defined by RVConfig. Defaults to None. fs (Optional[FileSystem], optional): If provided, use fs instead of the automatically chosen FileSystem for uri. Defaults to None. use_cache (bool, optional): If False and the file is remote, download it regardless of whether it exists in cache. Defaults to True. Returns: str: Path to local file. Raises: NotReadableError if URI cannot be read from """ if download_dir is None: download_dir = rv_config.get_cache_dir() if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(uri, 'r') local_path = get_local_path(uri, download_dir, fs=fs) if local_path == uri: return local_path if use_cache and file_exists(local_path, include_dir=False):'Using cached file {local_path}.') return local_path'Downloading {uri} to {local_path}...') make_dir(local_path, use_dirname=True) fs.copy_from(uri, local_path) return local_path
[docs]def download_or_copy(uri: str, target_dir: str, delete_tmp: bool = False, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None) -> str: """Downloads or copies a file to a directory. Downloads or copies URI into target_dir. Args: uri: URI of file. target_dir: Local directory to download or copy file to. delete_tmp: Delete temporary download dir after copying file. fs: If supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for uri. Returns: the local path of file """ target_dir = normpath(target_dir) local_path = download_if_needed(uri, target_dir, fs=fs) shutil.copy(local_path, target_dir) if delete_tmp and not is_local(uri): dl_dirname = normpath(relpath(local_path, target_dir)).split(os.sep)[0] dl_dir = join(target_dir, dl_dirname) shutil.rmtree(dl_dir) return local_path
[docs]def file_exists(uri, fs=None, include_dir=True) -> bool: """Check if file exists. Args: uri: URI of file fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for uri """ if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(uri, 'r') return fs.file_exists(uri, include_dir)
[docs]def list_paths(uri: str, ext: str = '', fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """List paths rooted at URI. Optionally only includes paths with a certain file extension. Args: uri: the URI of a directory ext: the optional file extension to filter by fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for uri **kwargs: extra kwargs to pass to fs.list_paths(). """ if uri is None: return None if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(uri, 'r') return fs.list_paths(uri, ext=ext, **kwargs)
[docs]def upload_or_copy(src_path: str, dst_uri: str, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None) -> None: """Upload or copy a file. If dst_uri is local, the file is copied. Otherwise, it is uploaded. Args: src_path: path to source file dst_uri: URI of destination for file fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem for dst_uri Raises: NotWritableError if dst_uri cannot be written to """ if dst_uri is None: return if not (os.path.isfile(src_path) or os.path.isdir(src_path)): raise Exception('{} does not exist.'.format(src_path)) if not src_path == dst_uri:'Uploading {} to {}'.format(src_path, dst_uri)) if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(dst_uri, 'w') fs.copy_to(src_path, dst_uri)
[docs]def file_to_str(uri: str, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None) -> str: """Load contents of text file into a string. Args: uri: URI of file fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem Returns: contents of text file Raises: NotReadableError if URI cannot be read """ if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(uri, 'r') return fs.read_str(uri)
[docs]def str_to_file(content_str: str, uri: str, fs: Optional[FileSystem] = None): """Writes string to text file. Args: content_str: string to write uri: URI of file to write fs: if supplied, use fs instead of automatically chosen FileSystem Raise: NotWritableError if uri cannot be written """ if not fs: fs = FileSystem.get_file_system(uri, 'r') return fs.write_str(uri, content_str)
[docs]def file_to_json(uri: str) -> dict: """Return JSON dict based on file at uri.""" return json.loads(file_to_str(uri))
[docs]def json_to_file(content_dict: dict, uri: str): """Upload JSON file to uri based on content_dict.""" str_to_file(json.dumps(content_dict), uri)
[docs]def zipdir(dir: str, zip_path: str): """Save a zip file with contents of directory. Contents of directory will be at root of zip file. Args: dir: directory to zip zip_path: path to zip file to create """ make_dir(zip_path, use_dirname=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as ziph: with tqdm(desc='Zipping', delay=5) as bar: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir): for fn in filenames: bar.set_postfix_str(fn) src = join(dirpath, fn) dst = join(dirpath[len(dir):], fn) ziph.write(src, dst) bar.update(1)
[docs]def unzip(zip_path: str, target_dir: str): """Unzip contents of zip file at zip_path into target_dir. Creates target_dir if needed. """ make_dir(target_dir) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zipf: zipf.extractall(target_dir)
[docs]def is_local(uri: str) -> bool: return FileSystem.get_file_system(uri) == LocalFileSystem
[docs]def is_archive(uri: str) -> bool: """Check if the URI's extension represents an archived file.""" formats = sum((fmts for _, fmts, _ in shutil.get_unpack_formats()), []) return any(uri.endswith(fmt) for fmt in formats)
[docs]def extract(uri: str, target_dir: Optional[str] = None, download_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Extract a compressed file.""" if target_dir is None: target_dir = rv_config.get_cache_dir() make_dir(target_dir) local_path = download_if_needed(uri, download_dir) shutil.unpack_archive(local_path, target_dir) return target_dir
[docs]def get_tmp_dir() -> 'TemporaryDirectory': """Return temporary directory given by the RVConfig. Returns: TemporaryDirectory: A context manager. """ return rv_config.get_tmp_dir()