Command Line Interface

The Raster Vision command line utility, rastervision, is installed with a pip install of rastervision, which is installed by default in the Docker Images. It has subcommands, with some top level options:

> rastervision --help
 Usage: python -m rastervision [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

   -p, --profile TEXT  Sets the configuration profile name to use.
   -v, --verbose       Sets the output to  be verbose.
   --help              Show this message and exit.

   ls           Print out a list of Experiment IDs.
   predict      Make predictions using a predict package.
   run          Run Raster Vision commands against Experiments.
   run_command  Run a command from configuration file.



Run is the main interface into running ExperimentSet workflows.

> rastervision run --help
Usage: python -m rastervision run [OPTIONS] RUNNER [COMMANDS]...

Run Raster Vision commands from experiments, using the experiment runner
named RUNNER.

  -e, --experiment_module TEXT  Name of an importable module to look for
                                experiment sets in. If not supplied,
                                experiments will be loaded from __main__
  -p, --path PATTERN            Path of file containing ExprimentSet to run.
  -n, --dry-run                 Execute a dry run, which will print out
                                information about the commands to be run, but
                                will not actually run the commands
  -x, --skip-file-check         Skip the step that verifies that file exist.
  -a, --arg KEY VALUE           Pass a parameter to the experiments if the
                                method parameter list takes in a parameter
                                with that key. Multiple args can be supplied
  --prefix PREFIX               Prefix for methods containing experiments.
                                (default: "exp_")
  -m, --method PATTERN          Pattern to match method names to run.
  -f, --filter PATTERN          Pattern to match experiment names to run.
  -r, --rerun                   Rerun commands, regardless if their output
                                files already exist.
  --tempdir TEXT                Temporary directory to use for this run.
  -s, --splits INTEGER          The number of processes to attempt to split
                                each stage into.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Some specific parameters to call out:


Use -a to pass arguments into the experiment methods; many of which take a root_uri which is where Raster Vision will store all the output of the experiment. If you forget to supply an argument, Raster Vision will remind you.


Using the -n or --dry-run flag is useful to see what you’re about to run before you run it. Combine this with the verbose flag for different levels of output:

> rastervision run spacenet.chip_classification -a root_uri s3://example/ --dry_run
> rastervision -v run spacenet.chip_classification -a root_uri s3://example/ --dry_run
> rastervision -vv run spacenet.chip_classification -a root_uri s3://example/ --dry_run


Use --skip-file-check or -x to avoid checking if files exist, which can take a long time for large experiments. This is useful to do the first run, but if you haven’t changed anything about the experiment and are sure the files are there, it’s often nice to skip that step.


Use -s N or --splits N, where N is the number of splits to create, to parallelize commands that can be split into parallelizable chunks. See Running commands in Parallel for more information.


Use predict to make predictions on new imagery given a Predict Package.

> rastervision predict --help
Usage: python -m rastervision predict [OPTIONS] PREDICT_PACKAGE IMAGE_URI

  Make predictions on the image at IMAGE_URI using PREDICT_PACKAGE and store
  the prediciton output at OUTPUT_URI.

  -a, --update-stats    Run an analysis on this individual image, as opposed
                        to using any analysis like statistics that exist in
                        the prediction package
  --channel-order TEXT  List of indices comprising channel_order. Example: 2 1
  --export-config PATH  Exports the configuration to the given output file.
  --help                Show this message and exit.


The ls command very simply lists the IDs of experiments in the given module or file. This functionality is likely to expand to give more information about expriments discovered in a project in later versions.

> rastervision ls --help
Usage: python -m rastervision ls [OPTIONS]

  Print out a list of Experiment IDs.

  -e, --experiment-module TEXT  Name of an importable module to look for
                                experiment sets in. If not supplied,
                                experiments will be loaded from __main__
  -a, --arg KEY VALUE           Pass a parameter to the experiments if the
                                method parameter list takes in a parameter
                                with that key. Multiple args can be supplied
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


The run_command is used to run a specific command from a serialized command configuration. This is likely only useful to people writing ExperimentRunners that want to run commands remotely from serialzed command JSON.

> rastervision run_command --help
Usage: python -m rastervision run_command [OPTIONS] COMMAND_CONFIG_URI

Run a command from a serialized command configuration at

--tempdir TEXT
--help          Show this message and exit.