Bootstrap new projects with a template

When using Raster Vision on a new project, the best practice is to create a new repo with its own Docker image based on the Raster Vision image. This involves a certain amount of boilerplate code which has a few things that vary between projects. To facilitate bootstrapping new projects, there is a cookiecutter template. Assuming that you cloned the Raster Vision repo and ran pip install cookiecutter==1.7.0, you can run it as follows (after adjusting paths appropriately for your particular setup).

$ cookiecutter /Users/lfishgold/projects/raster-vision/rastervision2/examples/cookiecutter_template
caps_project_name [MY_PROJECT]:
project_name [my_project]:
docker_image [my_project]:
parent_docker_image []:
[lfishgold@monoshone ~/projects]
$ tree my_project/
├── Dockerfile
├── configs
│   ├──
│   └──
├── docker
│   ├── build
│   ├── run
│   └── ecr_publish
├── rastervision2
│   └── my_project
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
└── scripts
    └── debug

5 directories, 10 files

The resulting contains setup and usage information for running locally and on Batch, which makes use of a [CloudFormation template]( for creating new user/project-specific job defs.