Source code for rastervision.core.analyzer.analyzer_config

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Iterable, Optional, Tuple

from rastervision.pipeline.config import register_config, Config

    from rastervision.core.analyzer.analyzer import Analyzer  # noqa

[docs]@register_config('analyzer') class AnalyzerConfig(Config): """Configure an :class:`.Analyzer`."""
[docs] def build(self, scene_group: Optional[Tuple[str, Iterable[str]]] = None ) -> 'Analyzer': pass
[docs] def get_bundle_filenames(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the names of files that should be included in a model bundle. The files are assumed to be in the analyze/ directory generated by the analyze command. Note that only the names, not the full paths should be returned. """ return []