Source code for

from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Iterator, List, Tuple)
    import numpy as np
    from import Box

[docs]def discard_prediction_edges( windows: Iterable['Box'], predictions: Iterable['np.ndarray'], crop_sz: int) -> Tuple[List['Box'], Iterator['np.ndarray']]: """Discard the edges of predicted chips. Args: windows (Iterable[Box]): The windows corresponding to the chips. predictions (Iterable[np.ndarray]): The predicted chips. crop_sz (int): Number of pixel rows/cols to discard. Returns: Tuple[Iterator[Box], Iterator[np.ndarray]]: Cropped windows and chips. """ windows_cropped = [w.center_crop(crop_sz, crop_sz) for w in windows] array_slices = [ wc.to_offsets(w).to_slices() for w, wc in zip(windows, windows_cropped) ] predictions_cropped = (p[..., yslice, xslice] for p, (xslice, yslice) in zip(predictions, array_slices)) return windows_cropped, predictions_cropped