Source code for

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional

from rastervision.pipeline.config import register_config, Field
from import (VectorTransformerConfig,

    from import ClassConfig

[docs]@register_config('buffer_transformer') class BufferTransformerConfig(VectorTransformerConfig): """Configure a :class:`.BufferTransformer`. This is useful, for example, for buffering lines representing roads so that their width roughly matches the width of roads in the imagery. """ geom_type: str = Field( ..., description='The geometry type to apply this transform to. ' 'E.g. "LineString", "Point", "Polygon".') class_bufs: Dict[int, Optional[float]] = Field( {}, description='Mapping from class IDs to buffer amounts (in pixels). ' 'If a class ID is not found in the mapping, the value specified by ' 'the default_buf field will be used. If the buffer value for a class ' 'is None, then no buffering will be applied to the geoms of that ' 'class and the geom won\'t get converted to a Polygon. Not converting ' 'to Polygon is incompatible with the currently available ' 'LabelSources, but may be useful in the future.') default_buf: Optional[float] = Field( 1, description='Default buffer to apply to classes not in class_bufs. ' 'If None, no buffering will be applied to the geoms of those classes.')
[docs] def build(self, class_config: Optional['ClassConfig'] = None ) -> BufferTransformer: return BufferTransformer( self.geom_type, class_bufs=self.class_bufs, default_buf=self.default_buf)