Source code for rastervision.pytorch_learner.dataset.visualizer.visualizer

from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence, Optional, List, Dict, Union,
                    Tuple, Any)
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor
import albumentations as A
from import DataLoader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import make_dir
from rastervision.pytorch_learner.utils import (
    deserialize_albumentation_transform, validate_albumentation_transform,
from rastervision.pytorch_learner.learner_config import (

    from import Dataset

[docs]class Visualizer(ABC): """Base class for plotting samples from computer vision PyTorch Datasets.""" scale: float = 3.
[docs] def __init__(self, class_names: List[str], class_colors: Optional[List[Union[str, RGBTuple]]] = None, transform: Optional[Dict] = A.to_dict(MinMaxNormalize()), channel_display_groups: Optional[Union[Dict[ str, ChannelInds], Sequence[ChannelInds]]] = None): """Constructor. Args: class_names: names of classes class_colors: Colors used to display classes. Can be color 3-tuples in list form. transform: An Albumentations transform serialized as a dict that will be applied to each image before it is plotted. Mainly useful for undoing any data transformation that you do not want included in the plot, such as normalization. The default value will shift and scale the image so the values range from 0.0 to 1.0 which is the expected range for the plotting function. This default is useful for cases where the values after normalization are close to zero which makes the plot difficult to see. channel_display_groups: Groups of image channels to display together as a subplot when plotting the data and predictions. Can be a list or tuple of groups (e.g. [(0, 1, 2), (3,)]) or a dict containing title-to-group mappings (e.g. {"RGB": [0, 1, 2], "IR": [3]}), where each group is a list or tuple of channel indices and title is a string that will be used as the title of the subplot for that group. """ self.class_names = class_names self.class_colors = ensure_class_colors(self.class_names, class_colors) self.transform = validate_albumentation_transform(transform) self._channel_display_groups = validate_channel_display_groups( channel_display_groups)
[docs] @abstractmethod def plot_xyz(self, axs, x: Tensor, y, z=None): """Plot image, ground truth labels, and predicted labels. Args: axs: matplotlib axes on which to plot x: image y: ground truth labels z: optional predicted labels """ pass
[docs] def plot_batch(self, x: Tensor, y: Sequence, output_path: Optional[str] = None, z: Optional[Sequence] = None, batch_limit: Optional[int] = None, show: bool = False): """Plot a whole batch in a grid using plot_xyz. Args: x: batch of images y: ground truth labels output_path: local path where to save plot image z: optional predicted labels batch_limit: optional limit on (rendered) batch size """ params = self.get_plot_params( x=x, y=y, z=z, output_path=output_path, batch_limit=batch_limit) if params['fig_args']['nrows'] == 0: return fig, axs = plt.subplots(**params['fig_args']) # (N, c, h, w) --> (N, h, w, c) x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # apply transform, if given if self.transform is not None: tf = deserialize_albumentation_transform(self.transform) imgs = [tf(image=img)['image'] for img in x.numpy()] x = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(imgs)) plot_xyz_args = params['plot_xyz_args'] for i, row_axs in enumerate(axs): if z is None: self.plot_xyz(row_axs, x[i], y[i], **plot_xyz_args) else: self.plot_xyz(row_axs, x[i], y[i], z=z[i], **plot_xyz_args) if show: if output_path is not None: make_dir(output_path, use_dirname=True) plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def get_channel_display_groups( self, nb_img_channels: int ) -> Union[Dict[str, ChannelInds], Sequence[ChannelInds]]: # The default channel_display_groups object depends on the number of # channels in the image. This number is not known when the Visualizer # is constructed which is why it needs to be created later. if self._channel_display_groups is not None: return self._channel_display_groups return get_default_channel_display_groups(nb_img_channels)
[docs] def get_collate_fn(self) -> Optional[callable]: """Returns a custom collate_fn to use in DataLoader. None is returned if default collate_fn should be used. See """ return None
[docs] def get_batch(self, dataset: 'Dataset', batch_sz: int = 4, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Tensor, Any]: """Generate a batch from a dataset. This is a convenience method for generating a batch of data to plot. Returns (x, y) tuple where x is images and y is labels """ collate_fn = self.get_collate_fn() dl = DataLoader(dataset, batch_sz, collate_fn=collate_fn, **kwargs) try: x, y = next(iter(dl)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError('dataset did not return a batch') return x, y
[docs] def get_plot_nrows(self, **kwargs) -> int: x = kwargs['x'] batch_limit = kwargs.get('batch_limit') batch_sz = x.shape[0] nrows = min(batch_sz, batch_limit) if batch_limit is not None else batch_sz return nrows
[docs] def get_plot_ncols(self, **kwargs) -> int: x = kwargs['x'] nb_img_channels = x.shape[1] ncols = len(self.get_channel_display_groups(nb_img_channels)) return ncols
[docs] def get_plot_params(self, **kwargs) -> dict: nrows = self.get_plot_nrows(**kwargs) ncols = self.get_plot_ncols(**kwargs) params = { 'fig_args': { 'nrows': nrows, 'ncols': ncols, 'constrained_layout': True, 'figsize': (self.scale * ncols, self.scale * nrows), 'squeeze': False }, 'plot_xyz_args': {} } return params