Source code for

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, overload, Tuple

from import Window
from shapely.ops import transform
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry

from import Box

    import numpy as np

[docs]class CRSTransformer(ABC): """Transforms map points in some CRS into pixel coordinates. Each transformer is associated with a particular :class:`.RasterSource`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, transform: Optional[Any] = None, image_crs: Optional[str] = None, map_crs: Optional[str] = None): self.transform = transform self.image_crs = image_crs self.map_crs = map_crs
@overload def map_to_pixel(self, inp: Tuple[float, float]) -> Tuple[int, int]: ... @overload def map_to_pixel(self, inp: Tuple['np.array', 'np.array'] ) -> Tuple['np.array', 'np.array']: ... @overload def map_to_pixel(self, inp: Box) -> Box: ... @overload def map_to_pixel(self, inp: BaseGeometry) -> BaseGeometry: ...
[docs] def map_to_pixel(self, inp): """Transform input from pixel to map coords. Args: inp: (x, y) tuple or Box or rasterio Window or shapely geometry in pixel coordinates. If tuple, x and y can be single values or array-like. Returns: Coordinate-transformed input in the same format. """ if isinstance(inp, Box): box_in = inp ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = box_in xmin_tf, ymin_tf = self._map_to_pixel((xmin, ymin)) xmax_tf, ymax_tf = self._map_to_pixel((xmax, ymax)) box_out = Box(ymin_tf, xmin_tf, ymax_tf, xmax_tf) return box_out elif isinstance(inp, Window): window_in = inp (ymin, ymax), (xmin, xmax) = window_in.toranges() xmin_tf, ymin_tf = self._map_to_pixel((xmin, ymin)) xmax_tf, ymax_tf = self._map_to_pixel((xmax, ymax)) window_out = Window.from_slices( slice(ymin_tf, ymax_tf), slice(xmin_tf, xmax_tf)) return window_out elif isinstance(inp, BaseGeometry): geom_in = inp geom_out = transform( lambda x, y, z=None: self._map_to_pixel((x, y)), geom_in) return geom_out elif len(inp) == 2: return self._map_to_pixel(inp) else: raise TypeError('Input must be 2-tuple or Box or rasterio Window ' 'or shapely geometry.')
@overload def pixel_to_map(self, inp: Tuple[float, float]) -> Tuple[float, float]: ... @overload def pixel_to_map(self, inp: Tuple['np.array', 'np.array'] ) -> Tuple['np.array', 'np.array']: ... @overload def pixel_to_map(self, inp: Box) -> Box: ... @overload def pixel_to_map(self, inp: BaseGeometry) -> BaseGeometry: ...
[docs] def pixel_to_map(self, inp): """Transform input from pixel to map coords. Args: inp: (x, y) tuple or Box or rasterio Window or shapely geometry in pixel coordinates. If tuple, x and y can be single values or array-like. Returns: Coordinate-transformed input in the same format. """ if isinstance(inp, Box): box_in = inp ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = box_in xmin_tf, ymin_tf = self._pixel_to_map((xmin, ymin)) xmax_tf, ymax_tf = self._pixel_to_map((xmax, ymax)) box_out = Box(ymin_tf, xmin_tf, ymax_tf, xmax_tf) return box_out elif isinstance(inp, Window): window_in = inp (ymin, ymax), (xmin, xmax) = window_in.toranges() xmin_tf, ymin_tf = self._pixel_to_map((xmin, ymin)) xmax_tf, ymax_tf = self._pixel_to_map((xmax, ymax)) window_out = Window.from_slices( slice(ymin_tf, ymax_tf), slice(xmin_tf, xmax_tf)) return window_out elif isinstance(inp, BaseGeometry): geom_in = inp geom_out = transform( lambda x, y, z=None: self._pixel_to_map((x, y)), geom_in) return geom_out elif len(inp) == 2: return self._pixel_to_map(inp) else: raise TypeError('Input must be 2-tuple or Box or rasterio Window ' 'or shapely geometry.')
@abstractmethod def _map_to_pixel(self, point: Tuple[float, float]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Transform point from map to pixel coordinates. Args: map_point: (x, y) tuple in map coordinates (eg. lon/lat). x and y can be single values or array-like. Returns: Tuple[int, int]: (x, y) tuple in pixel coordinates. """ pass @abstractmethod def _pixel_to_map(self, point: Tuple[float, float]) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Transform point from pixel to map coordinates. Args: pixel_point: (x, y) tuple in pixel coordinates. x and y can be single values or array-like. Returns: Tuple[float, float]: (x, y) tuple in map coordinates (eg. lon/lat). """ pass