
class GeoDataset[source]#

Bases: AlbumentationsDataset

Dataset that reads directly from a Scene (i.e. a raster source and a label source).

__init__(scene: Scene, transform: Optional[BasicTransform] = None, transform_type: Optional[TransformType] = None, normalize: bool = True, to_pytorch: bool = True)[source]#


  • scene (Scene) – A Scene object.

  • transform (Optional[A.BasicTransform], optional) – Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. Each transform in Albumentations takes images of type uint8, and sometimes other data types. The data type requirements can be seen at # noqa If there is a mismatch between the data type of imagery and the transform requirements, a RasterTransformer should be set on the RasterSource that converts to uint8, such as MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer.

  • transform_type (Optional[TransformType], optional) – Type of transform. Defaults to None.

  • normalize (bool, optional) – If True, x is normalized to [0, 1] based on its data type. Defaults to True.

  • to_pytorch (bool, optional) – If True, x and y are converted to pytorch tensors. Defaults to True.


__init__(scene[, transform, transform_type, ...])


from_uris(*args, **kwargs)

__contains__(key: str) bool#

key (str) –

Return type


__getitem__(key) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]#
Return type

Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]

__init__(scene: Scene, transform: Optional[BasicTransform] = None, transform_type: Optional[TransformType] = None, normalize: bool = True, to_pytorch: bool = True)[source]#


  • scene (Scene) – A Scene object.

  • transform (Optional[A.BasicTransform], optional) – Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. Each transform in Albumentations takes images of type uint8, and sometimes other data types. The data type requirements can be seen at # noqa If there is a mismatch between the data type of imagery and the transform requirements, a RasterTransformer should be set on the RasterSource that converts to uint8, such as MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer.

  • transform_type (Optional[TransformType], optional) – Type of transform. Defaults to None.

  • normalize (bool, optional) – If True, x is normalized to [0, 1] based on its data type. Defaults to True.

  • to_pytorch (bool, optional) – If True, x and y are converted to pytorch tensors. Defaults to True.

static __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Any#
  • args (Any) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type


classmethod from_uris(*args, **kwargs) GeoDataset[source]#
Return type
