Source code for

from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List,
                    Optional, Union)
from copy import deepcopy

from shapely.geometry import shape, mapping
from shapely.affinity import translate
from import tqdm
import geopandas as gpd

from import Box

    from import CRSTransformer
    from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry

MULTI_GEOM_TYPES = {'MultiPolygon', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString'}

[docs]def geometry_to_feature(mapping: dict, properties: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """Convert a serialized geometry to a serialized GeoJSON feature.""" already_a_feature = mapping.get('type') == 'Feature' if already_a_feature: return mapping if properties is None: properties = {} return {'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': mapping, 'properties': properties}
[docs]def geometries_to_geojson(geometries: Iterable[dict]) -> dict: """Convert serialized geometries to a serialized GeoJSON FeatureCollection. """ features = [geometry_to_feature(g) for g in geometries] return features_to_geojson(features)
[docs]def features_to_geojson(features: List[dict]) -> dict: """Convert GeoJSON-like mapping of Features to a FeatureCollection.""" return {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features}
[docs]def map_features(func: Callable, geojson: dict, include_geom_types: Iterable[str] = [], progressbar_kw: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """Map GeoJSON features to new features. Returns a new GeoJSON dict.""" features_in = geojson['features'] if progressbar_kw is None: progressbar_kw = dict(desc='Transforming features') with tqdm( features_in, delay=PROGRESSBAR_DELAY_SEC, mininterval=0.5, **progressbar_kw) as bar: if len(include_geom_types) > 0: include_geom_types = set(include_geom_types) features_out = [ func(f) if f['geometry']['type'] in include_geom_types else deepcopy(f) for f in bar ] else: features_out = [func(f) for f in bar] return features_to_geojson(features_out)
[docs]def map_geoms(func: Callable, geojson: dict, include_geom_types: Iterable[str] = [], progressbar_kw: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """Map GeoJSON features to new features by applying func to geometries. Returns a new GeoJSON dict. """ def feat_func(feature_in: dict) -> dict: # to shapely geometry geom_in = shape(feature_in['geometry']) # apply func geom_out = func(geom_in, feature=feature_in) # back to dict geom_out = mapping(geom_out) # new feature with updated geometry feature_out = geometry_to_feature(geom_out, feature_in.get('properties', {})) return feature_out if progressbar_kw is None: progressbar_kw = dict(desc='Transforming geoms') return map_features( feat_func, geojson, include_geom_types=include_geom_types, progressbar_kw=progressbar_kw)
[docs]def geojson_to_geoms(geojson: dict) -> Iterator['BaseGeometry']: """Return the shapely geometry for each feature in the GeoJSON.""" geoms = (shape(f['geometry']) for f in geojson['features']) return geoms
[docs]def geoms_to_geojson(geoms: Iterable['BaseGeometry'], properties: Optional[Iterable[dict]] = None) -> dict: """Serialize shapely geometries to GeoJSON.""" if properties is None: features = [geom_to_feature(g) for g in geoms] else: features = [geom_to_feature(g, p) for g, p in zip(geoms, properties)] geojson = features_to_geojson(features) return geojson
[docs]def geom_to_feature(geom: 'BaseGeometry', properties: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """Serialize a single shapely geomety to a GeoJSON Feature.""" geomety = mapping(geom) feature = geometry_to_feature(geomety, properties=properties) return feature
[docs]def filter_features(func: Callable, geojson: dict, progressbar_kw: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """Filter GeoJSON features. Returns a new GeoJSON dict.""" features_in = geojson['features'] if progressbar_kw is None: progressbar_kw = dict(desc='Filtering features.') with tqdm( features_in, delay=PROGRESSBAR_DELAY_SEC, mininterval=0.5, **progressbar_kw) as bar: features_out = list(filter(func, bar)) return features_to_geojson(features_out)
[docs]def is_empty_feature(f: dict) -> bool: """Check if a GeoJSON Feature lacks geometry info. This was added to handle empty geoms which appear when using OSM vector tiles. Args: f (dict): A GeoJSON-like mapping of a Feature. Returns: bool: Whether the feature contains any geometry. """ g: Optional[dict] = f.get('geometry') if not g: return True no_geometries = not g.get('geometries') no_coordinates = not g.get('coordinates') is_empty = no_geometries and no_coordinates return is_empty
[docs]def remove_empty_features(geojson: dict) -> dict: """Remove Features from a FeatureCollection that lack geometry info. Args: geojson (dict): A GeoJSON-like mapping of a FeatureCollection. Returns: dict: Filtered FeatureCollection. """ return filter_features( lambda f: not is_empty_feature(f), geojson, progressbar_kw=dict(desc='Removing empty features'))
[docs]def split_multi_geometries(geojson: dict) -> dict: """Split any Features with multi-part geometries into multiple Features. Args: geojson (dict): A GeoJSON-like mapping of a FeatureCollection. Returns: dict: FeatureCollection without multi-part geometries. """ def split_geom(geom: 'BaseGeometry') -> List['BaseGeometry']: # Split GeometryCollection into list of geoms. if geom.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection': geoms = list(geom.geoms) else: geoms = [geom] # Split any MultiX to list of X. new_geoms = [] for g in geoms: if g.geom_type in MULTI_GEOM_TYPES: new_geoms.extend(list(g.geoms)) else: new_geoms.append(g) return new_geoms include_geom_types = set(['GeometryCollection', *MULTI_GEOM_TYPES]) all_geom_types = set(f['geometry']['type'] for f in geojson['features']) if len(include_geom_types.intersection(all_geom_types)) == 0: return geojson new_features = [] with tqdm( geojson['features'], desc='Splitting multi-part geoms', delay=PROGRESSBAR_DELAY_SEC, mininterval=0.5) as bar: for f in bar: geom_type = f['geometry']['type'] if geom_type not in include_geom_types: new_features.append(deepcopy(f)) continue geom = shape(f['geometry']) split_geoms = split_geom(geom) for g in split_geoms: new_feature = geometry_to_feature( mapping(g), f.get('properties', {})) new_features.append(new_feature) return features_to_geojson(new_features)
[docs]def map_to_pixel_coords(geojson: dict, crs_transformer: 'CRSTransformer') -> dict: """Convert a GeoJSON dict from map to pixel coordinates.""" return map_geoms( lambda g, **kw: crs_transformer.map_to_pixel(g), geojson, progressbar_kw=dict(desc='Transforming to pixel coords'))
[docs]def pixel_to_map_coords(geojson: dict, crs_transformer: 'CRSTransformer') -> dict: """Convert a GeoJSON dict from pixel to map coordinates.""" return map_geoms( lambda g, **kw: crs_transformer.pixel_to_map(g), geojson, progressbar_kw=dict(desc='Transforming to map coords'))
[docs]def simplify_polygons(geojson: dict) -> dict: """Simplify polygon geometries by applying ``.buffer(0)``. For Polygon geomtries, ``.buffer(0)`` can do the following: 1. *Sometimes* break up a polygon with "bowties" into multiple polygons. (See 2. *Sometimes* "simplify" polygons. See shapely documentation for :meth:`.BaseGeometry.buffer`. Args: geojson (dict): A GeoJSON-like mapping of a FeatureCollection. Returns: dict: FeatureCollection with simplified geometries. """ all_geom_types = set(f['geometry']['type'] for f in geojson['features']) if 'Polygon' not in all_geom_types: return geojson geojson_buffered = map_geoms( lambda g, **kw: g.buffer(0), geojson, include_geom_types=['Polygon'], progressbar_kw=dict(desc='Simplifying polygons')) geojson_cleaned = remove_empty_features(geojson_buffered) geojson_split = split_multi_geometries(geojson_cleaned) return geojson_split
[docs]def buffer_geoms(geojson: dict, geom_type: str, class_bufs: Dict[int, Optional[float]] = {}, default_buf: Optional[float] = 1) -> dict: """Buffer geometries. Geometries in features without a class_id property will be ignored. Args: geojson (dict): A GeoJSON-like mapping of a FeatureCollection. geom_type (str): Shapely geometry type to apply the buffering to. Other types of geometries will not be affected. class_bufs (Dict[int, Optional[float]]): Optional mapping from class ID to buffer distance (in pixel units) for geom_type geometries. Returns: dict: FeatureCollection with buffered geometries. """ def buffer_geom(geom: 'BaseGeometry', feature: Optional[dict] = None) -> 'BaseGeometry': has_class_id = (('properties' in feature) and ('class_id' in feature['properties'])) if has_class_id: class_id = feature['properties']['class_id'] buf = class_bufs.get(class_id, default_buf) else: buf = default_buf # If buf for the class_id was explicitly set as None, don't buffer. if buf is not None: geom = geom.buffer(buf) return geom all_geom_types = set(f['geometry']['type'] for f in geojson['features']) if geom_type not in all_geom_types: return geojson geojson_buffered = map_geoms( buffer_geom, geojson, include_geom_types=[geom_type], progressbar_kw=dict(desc=f'Buffering {geom_type}s (if any)')) return geojson_buffered
[docs]def all_geoms_valid(geojson: dict): """Check if there are any invalid geometries in the GeoJSON.""" geoms = geojson_to_geoms(geojson) return all(g.is_valid for g in geoms)
[docs]def get_polygons_from_uris(uris: Union[str, List[str]], crs_transformer: 'CRSTransformer', bbox: Optional['Box'] = None, map_coords: bool = False) -> List['BaseGeometry']: """Load and return polygons (in pixel coords) from one or more URIs.""" # use local imports to avoid circular import problems from import GeoJSONVectorSource source = GeoJSONVectorSource( uris=uris, ignore_crs_field=True, crs_transformer=crs_transformer, bbox=bbox) polygons = source.get_geoms(to_map_coords=map_coords) return polygons
[docs]def merge_geojsons(geojsons: Iterable[dict]) -> dict: """Merge features from all given GeoJSONs into one GeoJSON.""" features = sum([g.get('features', []) for g in geojsons], []) geojson_merged = features_to_geojson(features) return geojson_merged
[docs]def geojson_to_geodataframe(geojson: dict) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(geojson) if len(df) == 0 and 'geometry' not in df.columns: df.loc[:, 'geometry'] = [] return df
[docs]def get_geodataframe_extent(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> Box: envelope = gdf.unary_union.envelope extent = Box.from_shapely(envelope).to_int() return extent
[docs]def get_geojson_extent(geojson: dict) -> Box: gdf = geojson_to_geodataframe(geojson) extent = get_geodataframe_extent(gdf) return extent
[docs]def filter_geojson_to_window(geojson: dict, window: Box) -> dict: gdf = geojson_to_geodataframe(geojson) window_geom = window.to_shapely() gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame = gdf[gdf.intersects(window_geom)] out_geojson = gdf._to_geo() return out_geojson
[docs]def geoms_to_bbox_coords(geoms: Iterable['BaseGeometry'], bbox: Box) -> Iterator['BaseGeometry']: xmin, ymin = bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin out = (translate(p, xoff=-xmin, yoff=-ymin) for p in geoms) return out