Source code for rastervision.core.evaluation.object_detection_evaluation

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd

from rastervision.core.evaluation import (ClassificationEvaluation,

    from import ObjectDetectionLabels
    from import ClassConfig

[docs]def compute_metrics( gt_labels: 'ObjectDetectionLabels', pred_labels: 'ObjectDetectionLabels', num_classes: int, iou_thresh: float = 0.5) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute per-class true positves, false positives, and false negatives. Does the following: 1. Spatially join ground truth (GT) boxes with predicted boxes. 2. Compute intersection-overo-union (IoU) for each matched box-pair. 3. Filter matches by ``iou_thresh``. 4. For each GT box >1 matches, keep only the max-IoU one. 5. For each pred box >1 matches, keep only the max-IoU one. 6. For each class, c, compute: a. True positives (TP) := #matches where GT class ID == c and pred class ID == c b. False positives := #preds where (class ID == c) minus TP c. False negatives := #GT where (class ID == c) minus TP """ gt_geoms = [b.to_shapely() for b in gt_labels.get_boxes()] gt_classes = gt_labels.get_class_ids() pred_geoms = [b.to_shapely() for b in pred_labels.get_boxes()] pred_classes = pred_labels.get_class_ids() gt_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( dict(class_id=gt_classes, id=range(len(gt_geoms))), geometry=gt_geoms) pred_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( dict(class_id=pred_classes, id=range(len(pred_geoms))), geometry=pred_geoms) gt_df.loc[:, '_geometry'] = gt_df.geometry pred_df.loc[:, '_geometry'] = pred_df.geometry match_df: gpd.GeoDataFrame = gt_df.sjoin( pred_df, how='inner', predicate='intersects', lsuffix='gt', rsuffix='pred') intersection = match_df['_geometry_gt'].intersection( match_df['_geometry_pred']) union = match_df['_geometry_gt'].union(match_df['_geometry_pred']) match_df.loc[:, 'iou'] = (intersection.area / union.area) match_df = match_df.loc[match_df['iou'] > iou_thresh] match_df = match_df.sort_values('iou').drop_duplicates( ['id_gt'], keep='last') match_df = match_df.sort_values('iou').drop_duplicates( ['id_pred'], keep='last') tp = np.zeros((num_classes, )) fp = np.zeros((num_classes, )) fn = np.zeros((num_classes, )) for class_id in range(num_classes): tp[class_id] = sum((match_df['class_id_gt'] == class_id) & (match_df['class_id_pred'] == class_id)) fp[class_id] = sum(pred_df['class_id'] == class_id) - tp[class_id] fn[class_id] = sum(gt_df['class_id'] == class_id) - tp[class_id] return tp, fp, fn
[docs]class ObjectDetectionEvaluation(ClassificationEvaluation):
[docs] def __init__(self, class_config: 'ClassConfig', iou_thresh: float = 0.5): super().__init__() self.class_config = class_config self.iou_thresh = iou_thresh
[docs] def compute(self, ground_truth_labels: 'ObjectDetectionLabels', prediction_labels: 'ObjectDetectionLabels'): self.class_to_eval_item = ObjectDetectionEvaluation.compute_eval_items( ground_truth_labels, prediction_labels, self.class_config, iou_thresh=self.iou_thresh) self.compute_avg()
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_eval_items( gt_labels: 'ObjectDetectionLabels', pred_labels: 'ObjectDetectionLabels', class_config: 'ClassConfig', iou_thresh: float = 0.5) -> Dict[int, ClassEvaluationItem]: num_classes = len(class_config) tps, fps, fns = compute_metrics(gt_labels, pred_labels, num_classes, iou_thresh) class_to_eval_item = {} for class_id, (tp, fp, fn) in enumerate(zip(tps, fps, fns)): class_name = class_config.get_name(class_id) eval_item = ClassEvaluationItem( class_id=class_id, class_name=class_name, tp=tp, fp=fp, fn=fn) class_to_eval_item[class_id] = eval_item return class_to_eval_item