Source code for rastervision.aws_batch.aws_batch_runner

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import logging
import os
import uuid
from pprint import pformat

from rastervision.pipeline import rv_config_ as rv_config
from rastervision.pipeline.runner import Runner

    from rastervision.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

AWS_BATCH = 'batch'

[docs]class AWSBatchRunner(Runner): """Runs pipelines remotely using AWS Batch. Requires Everett configuration of form: .. code-block:: ini [AWS_BATCH] cpu_job_queue= cpu_job_def= gpu_job_queue= gpu_job_def= attempts= """
[docs] def run(self, cfg_json_uri: str, pipeline: 'Pipeline', commands: list[str], num_splits: int = 1, pipeline_run_name: str = 'raster-vision'): # pragma: no cover parent_job_ids = [] for command in commands: cmd, args = self.build_cmd( command, cfg_json_uri, pipeline, num_splits, pipeline_run_name=pipeline_run_name) job_id = self.run_command( cmd, parent_job_ids=parent_job_ids, **args) job_info = dict( name=args['job_name'], id=job_id, parents=parent_job_ids, cmd=cmd, ) job_info_str = pformat(job_info, sort_dicts=False) msg = (f'Job submitted:\n{job_info_str}') parent_job_ids = [job_id]
[docs] def build_cmd(self, command: str, cfg_json_uri: str, pipeline: 'Pipeline', num_splits: int = 1, pipeline_run_name: str = 'raster-vision' ) -> tuple[list[str], dict[str, Any]]: verbosity = rv_config.get_verbosity_cli_opt() # pipeline-specific job queue and job definition pipeline_job_queue = getattr(pipeline, 'job_queue', None) pipeline_job_def = getattr(pipeline, 'job_def', None) # command-specific job queue, job definition cmd_obj = getattr(pipeline, command, None) job_def = getattr(cmd_obj, 'job_def', pipeline_job_def) job_queue = getattr(cmd_obj, 'job_queue', pipeline_job_queue) num_array_jobs = None use_gpu = command in pipeline.gpu_commands job_name = f'{pipeline_run_name}-{command}-{uuid.uuid4()}' cmd = ['python', '-m', 'rastervision.pipeline.cli'] if verbosity: cmd += [verbosity] cmd += ['run_command', cfg_json_uri, command, '--runner', AWS_BATCH] if command in pipeline.split_commands and num_splits > 1: num_array_jobs = num_splits cmd += ['--num-splits', str(num_splits)] args = dict( job_name=job_name, num_array_jobs=num_array_jobs, use_gpu=use_gpu, job_queue=job_queue, job_def=job_def, ) return cmd, args
[docs] def get_split_ind(self) -> int: return int(os.environ.get('AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX', 0))
[docs] def run_command(self, cmd: list[str], job_name: str | None = None, debug: bool = False, attempts: int = 1, parent_job_ids: list[str] | None = None, num_array_jobs: int | None = None, use_gpu: bool = False, job_queue: str | None = None, job_def: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Submit a command as a job to AWS Batch. Args: cmd: Command to run in the Docker container for the remote job as list of strings. job_name: Optional job name. If None, is set to "raster-vision-<uuid>". debug: If True, run the command using a ptvsd wrapper which sets up a remote VS Code Python debugger server. Defaults to False. attempts: The number of times to try running the command which is useful in case of failure. Defaults to 5. parent_job_ids: Optional list of parent Batch job IDs. The job created by this will only run after the parent jobs complete successfully. Defaults to None. num_array_jobs: If set, make this a Batch array job with size equal to num_array_jobs. Defaults to None. use_gpu: If True, run the job in a GPU-enabled queue. Defaults to False. job_queue: If set, use this job queue. Default to None. job_def: If set, use this job definition. Default to None. **kwargs: Any other kwargs to pass to Batch when submitting job. """ import boto3 batch_config = rv_config.get_namespace_config(AWS_BATCH) device = 'gpu' if use_gpu else 'cpu' if job_name is None: job_name = f'raster-vision-{uuid.uuid4()}' if job_queue is None: job_queue = batch_config(f'{device}_job_queue') if job_def is None: job_def = batch_config(f'{device}_job_def') if debug: cmd = [ 'python', '-m', 'ptvsd', '--host', '', '--port', '6006', '--wait', '-m' ] + cmd args = { 'jobName': job_name, 'jobQueue': job_queue, 'jobDefinition': job_def, 'containerOverrides': { 'command': cmd }, 'retryStrategy': { 'attempts': attempts }, } if parent_job_ids: args['dependsOn'] = [{'jobId': id} for id in parent_job_ids] if num_array_jobs: args['arrayProperties'] = {'size': num_array_jobs} client = boto3.client('batch') job_id = client.submit_job(**args, **kwargs)['jobId'] return job_id