Source code for

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence

from import tqdm

from import geoms_to_geojson

    from import Box
    from import ClassConfig, CRSTransformer


[docs]def boxes_to_geojson(boxes: Sequence['Box'], class_ids: Sequence[int], crs_transformer: 'CRSTransformer', class_config: 'ClassConfig', scores: Sequence[float | Sequence[float]] | None = None, bbox: 'Box | None' = None) -> dict: """Convert boxes and associated data into a GeoJSON dict. Args: boxes: List of Box in pixel row/col format. class_ids: List of int (one for each box) crs_transformer: CRSTransformer used to convert pixel coords to map coords in the GeoJSON. class_config: ClassConfig scores: Optional list of score or scores. If floats (one for each box), property name will be "score". If lists of floats, property name will be "scores". Defaults to ``None``. bbox: User-specified crop of the extent. Must be provided if the corresponding :class:`.RasterSource` has ``bbox != extent``. Returns: dict: Serialized GeoJSON. """ if len(boxes) != len(class_ids): raise ValueError(f'len(boxes) ({len(boxes)}) != ' f'len(class_ids) ({len(class_ids)})') if scores is not None and len(boxes) != len(scores): raise ValueError(f'len(boxes) ({len(boxes)}) != ' f'len(scores) ({len(scores)})') # boxes to map coords with tqdm( boxes, desc='Transforming boxes to map coords', delay=PROGRESSBAR_DELAY_SEC) as bar: geoms = [ crs_transformer.pixel_to_map(box.to_shapely(), bbox=bbox) for box in bar ] # add box properties (ID and name of predicted class) with tqdm( class_ids, desc='Attaching class IDs and names to boxes', delay=PROGRESSBAR_DELAY_SEC) as bar: properties = [ dict(class_id=id, class_name=class_config.get_name(id)) for id in bar ] # add box properties (ID and name of predicted class) if scores is not None: with tqdm( zip(properties, scores), desc='Transforming boxes to map coords', delay=PROGRESSBAR_DELAY_SEC) as bar: for prop, box_score in bar: key = 'score' if isinstance(box_score, float) else 'scores' prop[key] = box_score geojson = geoms_to_geojson(geoms, properties) return geojson