Source code for rastervision.pipeline.runner.local_runner

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional
import sys
from os.path import dirname, join
from subprocess import Popen

from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import str_to_file, download_if_needed
from rastervision.pipeline.runner.runner import Runner
from rastervision.pipeline.utils import terminate_at_exit

    from rastervision.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline

LOCAL = 'local'

[docs]def make_run_cmd_invocation(cfg_json_uri: str, command: str, opts: Optional[dict] = None) -> str: opts_str = '' if opts is not None: opts_str = ' ' + ' '.join(f'{k} {v}' for k, v in opts.items()) return ('python -m rastervision.pipeline.cli run_command ' f'{cfg_json_uri} {command}{opts_str}')
[docs]def make_makefile_entry_for_cmd(curr_command_ind: int, prev_command_inds: List[int], cfg_json_uri: str, command: str, opts: Optional[dict] = None) -> str: out = f'{curr_command_ind}: ' out += ' '.join([str(ci) for ci in prev_command_inds]) out += '\n' invocation = make_run_cmd_invocation(cfg_json_uri, command, opts=opts) out += f'\t{invocation}\n\n' return out
[docs]class LocalRunner(Runner): """ Runs each command locally using different processes for each command/split. This is implemented by generating a Makefile and then running it using make. """
[docs] def run(self, cfg_json_uri: str, pipeline: 'Pipeline', commands: List[str], num_splits: int = 1, pipeline_run_name: str = 'raster-vision'): makefile = self.build_makefile_string(cfg_json_uri, pipeline, commands, num_splits) makefile_path = join(dirname(cfg_json_uri), 'Makefile') str_to_file(makefile, makefile_path) makefile_path_local = download_if_needed(makefile_path) return self.run_command(['make', '-j', '-f', makefile_path_local])
[docs] def run_command(self, cmd: List[str]): process = Popen(cmd) terminate_at_exit(process) exitcode = process.wait() if exitcode != 0: sys.exit(exitcode) else: return 0
[docs] def build_makefile_string(self, cfg_json_uri: str, pipeline: 'Pipeline', commands: List[str], num_splits: int = 1) -> str: num_commands = 0 for command in commands: if command in pipeline.split_commands and num_splits > 1: num_commands += num_splits else: num_commands += 1 all_command_inds_str = ' '.join([str(i) for i in range(num_commands)]) makefile = f'.PHONY: {all_command_inds_str}\n\n' makefile += f'all: {all_command_inds_str}\n\n' prev_command_inds = [] curr_command_ind = 0 for command in commands: curr_command_inds = [] if command in pipeline.split_commands and num_splits > 1: opts = {'--num-splits': num_splits} for split_ind in range(num_splits): opts['--split-ind'] = split_ind makefile_entry = make_makefile_entry_for_cmd( curr_command_ind, prev_command_inds, cfg_json_uri, command, opts=opts) makefile += makefile_entry curr_command_inds.append(curr_command_ind) curr_command_ind += 1 else: makefile_entry = make_makefile_entry_for_cmd( curr_command_ind, prev_command_inds, cfg_json_uri, command) makefile += makefile_entry curr_command_inds.append(curr_command_ind) curr_command_ind += 1 prev_command_inds = curr_command_inds return makefile