from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from os.path import join
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import albumentations as A
import numpy as np
from import Dataset
from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import file_to_json
from import Box
from import ObjectDetectionLabels
from rastervision.pytorch_learner.dataset import (
TransformType, ImageDataset, SlidingWindowGeoDataset,
RandomWindowGeoDataset, load_image)
from import make_od_scene
from import ClassConfig, ObjectDetectionLabelSource
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class CocoDataset(Dataset):
"""Read Object Detection data in the COCO format."""
[docs] def __init__(self, img_dir: str, annotation_uri: str):
img_dir: Directory containing the images. Image filenames
must match the image IDs in the annotations file.
annotation_uri: URI to a JSON file containing annotations in
the COCO format.
self.annotation_uri = annotation_uri
ann_json = file_to_json(annotation_uri)
self.img_ids: list[str] = [img['id'] for img in ann_json['images']]
self.img_paths = {
img['id']: join(img_dir, img['file_name'])
for img in ann_json['images']
self.img_anns = {id: defaultdict(list) for id in self.img_ids}
for ann in ann_json['annotations']:
img_ann = self.img_anns[ann['image_id']]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ind: int
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, str]]:
img_id = self.img_ids[ind]
path = self.img_paths[img_id]
ann: dict[str, list] = self.img_anns[img_id]
x = load_image(path)
bboxes = np.array(ann['bboxes'])
class_ids = np.array(ann['category_id'], dtype=np.int64)
if len(bboxes) == 0:
bboxes = np.empty((0, 4))
class_ids = np.empty((0, ), dtype=np.int64)
return x, (bboxes, class_ids, 'xywh')
def __len__(self):
return len(self.img_anns)
[docs]class ObjectDetectionImageDataset(ImageDataset):
"""Read Object Detection data in the COCO format.
Uses :class:`.CocoDataset` to read the data.
[docs] def __init__(self, img_dir: str, annotation_uri: str, *args, **kwargs):
img_dir: Directory containing the images. Image filenames
must match the image IDs in the annotations file.
annotation_uri: URI to a JSON file containing annotations in
the COCO format.
*args: See :meth:`.ImageDataset.__init__`.
**kwargs: See :meth:`.ImageDataset.__init__`.
ds = CocoDataset(img_dir, annotation_uri)
ds, *args, **kwargs, transform_type=TransformType.object_detection)
[docs]def make_od_geodataset(cls,
image_uri: str | list[str],
label_vector_uri: str | None = None,
class_config: 'ClassConfig | None' = None,
aoi_uri: str | list[str] = [],
label_vector_default_class_id: int | None = None,
image_raster_source_kw: dict = {},
label_vector_source_kw: dict = {},
label_source_kw: dict = {},
"""Create an instance of this class from image and label URIs.
This is a convenience method. For more fine-grained control, it is
recommended to use the default constructor.
image_uri: URI or list of URIs of GeoTIFFs to use as the source of
image data.
label_vector_uri: URI of GeoJSON file to use as the source of label.
Defaults to ``None``.
class_config: The ClassConfig. Must be non-None if creating a scene
without a ``LabelSource``. Defaults to ``None``.
aoi_uri: URI or list of URIs of
GeoJSONs that specify the area-of-interest. If provided, the
dataset will only access data from this area. Defaults to ``[]``.
label_vector_default_class_id: If using
label_vector_uri and all polygons in that file belong to the same
class and they do not contain a `class_id` property, then use this
argument to map all of the polygons to the appropriate class ID.
See docs for ClassInferenceTransformer for more details.
Defaults to ``None``.
image_raster_source_kw: Additional arguments to pass
to the :class:`.RasterioSource` used for image data. See docs for
:class:`.RasterioSource` for more details. Defaults to ``{}``.
label_vector_source_kw: Additional arguments to pass
to the :class:`.GeoJSONVectorSourceConfig` used for label data, if
label_vector_uri is set. See docs for
:class:`.GeoJSONVectorSourceConfig` for more details.
Defaults to ``{}``.
label_source_kw: Additional arguments to pass
to the :class:`.ObjectDetectionLabelSourceConfig` used for label data, if
label_vector_uri is set. See docs for
:class:`.ObjectDetectionLabelSourceConfig` for more details.
Defaults to ``{}``.
**kwargs: All other keyword args are passed to the default constructor
for this class.
An instance of this GeoDataset subclass.
scene = make_od_scene(
ds = cls(scene, **kwargs)
return ds
[docs]class ObjectDetectionSlidingWindowGeoDataset(SlidingWindowGeoDataset):
from_uris = classmethod(make_od_geodataset)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
*args, **kwargs, transform_type=TransformType.object_detection)
[docs]class ObjectDetectionRandomWindowGeoDataset(RandomWindowGeoDataset):
from_uris = classmethod(make_od_geodataset)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
*args: See :meth:`.RandomWindowGeoDataset.__init__`.
Keyword Args:
bbox_params: Optional ``bbox_params`` to use when resizing windows.
Defaults to ``None``.
ioa_thresh: Minimum IoA of a bounding box with a given window for
it to be included in the labels for that window.
Defaults to ``0.9``.
clip: Clip bounding boxes to window limits when retrieving labels
for a window. Defaults to ``False``.
neg_ratio: Ratio of sampling probabilities of negative windows
(windows w/o bboxes) vs positive windows (windows w/ at least 1
bbox). E.g. ``neg_ratio=2`` means 2/3 probability of sampling a
negative window. If ``None``, the default sampling behavior of
``RandomWindowGeoDataset`` is used, without taking bboxes into
account. Defaults to ``None``.
neg_ioa_thresh: A window will be considered negative if its max IoA
with any bounding box is less than this threshold.
Defaults to ``0.2``.
**kwargs: See :meth:`.RandomWindowGeoDataset.__init__`.
from rastervision.pytorch_learner import DEFAULT_BBOX_PARAMS
self.bbox_params: A.BboxParams | None = kwargs.pop(
'bbox_params', DEFAULT_BBOX_PARAMS)
ioa_thresh: float = kwargs.pop('ioa_thresh', 0.9)
clip: bool = kwargs.pop('clip', False)
neg_ratio: float | None = kwargs.pop('neg_ratio', None)
neg_ioa_thresh: float = kwargs.pop('neg_ioa_thresh', 0.2)
*args, **kwargs, transform_type=TransformType.object_detection)
label_source: 'ObjectDetectionLabelSource | None' = self.scene.label_source
if label_source is not None:
label_source.ioa_thresh = ioa_thresh
label_source.clip = clip
if neg_ratio is not None:
if label_source is None:
raise ValueError(
'Scene must have a LabelSource if neg_ratio is set.')
self.neg_probability = neg_ratio / (neg_ratio + 1)
self.neg_ioa_thresh: float = neg_ioa_thresh
# Get labels for the AOI. clip=True here to ensure that it is
# possible to draw a window (that lies within the extent) around
# each bbox.
self.labels = label_source.get_labels(
ioa_thresh=ioa_thresh, clip=True)
num_bboxes_in_scene = len(self.labels)
if num_bboxes_in_scene == 0:
raise ValueError(
'neg_ratio specified, but no bboxes found in scene.')
if self.has_aoi_polygons:
self.labels = self.labels.filter_by_aoi(
num_bboxes_in_aoi = len(self.labels)
if num_bboxes_in_aoi == 0:
raise ValueError(
'neg_ratio specified, but no bboxes found in AOI. '
'Total bboxes in scene (ignoring AOI):'
self.bboxes = self.labels.get_boxes()
self.neg_probability = None
def _sample_pos_window(self) -> Box:
"""Sample a window containing at least one bounding box.
This is done by randomly sampling one of the bounding boxes in the
scene and drawing a random window around it.
bbox: Box = np.random.choice(self.bboxes)
box_h, box_w = bbox.size
# check if it is possible to sample a containing window
hmax, wmax = self.max_size
if box_h > hmax or box_w > wmax:
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot sample containing window because bounding box {bbox}'
f'is larger than self.max_size ({self.max_size}).')
# try to sample a window size that is larger than the box's size
for _ in range(self.max_sample_attempts):
h, w = self.sample_window_size()
if h >= box_h and w >= box_w:
window = bbox.make_random_box_container(h, w)
return window
log.warning('ObjectDetectionRandomWindowGeoDataset: Failed to find '
'suitable (h, w) for positive window. '
f'Using (hmax, wmax) = ({hmax}, {wmax}) instead.')
window = bbox.make_random_box_container(hmax, wmax)
return window
def _sample_neg_window(self) -> Box:
"""Attempt to sample a window containing no bounding boxes.
If not found within self.max_sample_attempts, just return the last
sampled window.
for _ in range(self.max_sample_attempts):
window = super()._sample_window()
labels = ObjectDetectionLabels.get_overlapping(
self.labels, window, ioa_thresh=self.neg_ioa_thresh)
if len(labels) == 0:
return window
log.warning('ObjectDetectionRandomWindowGeoDataset: Failed to find '
'negative window. Returning last sampled window.')
return window
def _sample_window(self) -> Box:
"""Sample negative or positive window based on neg_probability, if set.
If neg_probability is not set, use
if self.neg_probability is None:
return super()._sample_window()
if np.random.sample() < self.neg_probability:
return self._sample_neg_window()
return self._sample_pos_window()