Source code for

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Sequence
import logging

import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio

from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import download_if_needed, get_tmp_dir
from import Box
from import RasterioCRSTransformer
from import RasterSource
from import (listify_uris, parse_array_slices_Nd)
from import fill_overflow
from import (
    download_and_build_vrt, get_aws_session, get_channel_order_from_dataset,
    is_masked, read_window)

    from import RasterTransformer

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RasterioSource(RasterSource): """A rasterio-based :class:`.RasterSource`. This RasterSource can read any file that can be opened by `Rasterio/GDAL <>`_. If there are multiple image files that cover a single scene, you can pass the corresponding list of URIs, and read them as if it were a single stitched-together image. It can also read non-georeferenced images such as ``.tif``, ``.png``, and ``.jpg`` files. This is useful for oblique drone imagery, biomedical imagery, and any other (potentially massive!) non-georeferenced images. If channel_order is None, then use non-alpha channels. This also sets any masked or NODATA pixel values to be zeros. """
[docs] def __init__(self, uris: str | list[str], raster_transformers: list['RasterTransformer'] = [], allow_streaming: bool = False, channel_order: Sequence[int] | None = None, bbox: Box | None = None, tmp_dir: str | None = None): """Constructor. Args: uris: One or more URIs of images. If more than one, the images will be mosaiced together using GDAL. raster_transformers: RasterTransformers to use to transform chips after they are read. allow_streaming: If ``True``, read data without downloading the entire file first. Defaults to ``False``. channel_order: List of indices of channels to extract from raw imagery. Can be a subset of the available channels. If ``None``, all channels available in the image will be read. Defaults to ``None``. bbox: User-specified crop of the extent. If ``None``, the full extent available in the source file is used. tmp_dir: Directory to use for storing the VRT (needed if multiple ``uris`` or ``allow_streaming=True``). If ``None``, will be auto-generated. Defaults to ``None``. """ self.uris = listify_uris(uris) self.allow_streaming = allow_streaming self._num_channels = None self._dtype = None self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir if self.tmp_dir is None: self._tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir() self.tmp_dir = self.imagery_path = self.download_data( self.tmp_dir, stream=self.allow_streaming) self.session = None if 's3://' in self.imagery_path.lower(): self.session = get_aws_session() with rio.Env(session=self.session): self.image_dataset = block_shapes = set(self.image_dataset.block_shapes) if len(block_shapes) > 1: log.warning('Raster bands have non-identical block shapes: ' f'{block_shapes}. This can slow down reading. ' 'Consider re-tiling using GDAL.') self._crs_transformer = RasterioCRSTransformer.from_dataset( self.image_dataset) dtype_raw = np.dtype(self.image_dataset.dtypes[0]) num_channels_raw = self.image_dataset.count if channel_order is None: channel_order = get_channel_order_from_dataset(self.image_dataset) self.bands_to_read = np.array(channel_order, dtype=int) + 1 self.is_masked = is_masked(self.image_dataset) height = self.image_dataset.height width = self.image_dataset.width if bbox is None: bbox = Box(0, 0, height, width) super().__init__( channel_order=channel_order, num_channels_raw=num_channels_raw, dtype_raw=dtype_raw, bbox=bbox, raster_transformers=raster_transformers)
@property def crs_transformer(self) -> RasterioCRSTransformer: return self._crs_transformer
[docs] def download_data(self, vrt_dir: str | None = None, stream: bool = False) -> str: """Download any data needed for this raster source. Return a single local path representing the image or a VRT of the data. """ if len(self.uris) == 1: if stream: return self.uris[0] else: return download_if_needed(self.uris[0]) else: if vrt_dir is None: raise ValueError('vrt_dir is required if using >1 image URIs.') return download_and_build_vrt(self.uris, vrt_dir, stream=stream)
def _get_chip(self, window: Box, bands: Sequence[int] | None = None, out_shape: tuple[int, ...] | None = None) -> np.ndarray: window = window.to_global_coords(self.bbox) chip = read_window( self.image_dataset, bands=bands, window=window.rasterio_format(), is_masked=self.is_masked, out_shape=out_shape, session=self.session) chip = fill_overflow(self.bbox, window, chip) return chip
[docs] def get_chip(self, window: Box, bands: Sequence[int] | slice | None = None, out_shape: tuple[int, ...] | None = None) -> np.ndarray: """Read a chip specified by a window from the file. Args: window: Bounding box of chip in pixel coordinates. bands: Subset of bands to read. Note that this will be applied on top of the ``channel_order`` (if specified). E.g. if this is an RGB image and ``channel_order=[2, 1, 0]``, then ``bands=[0]`` will return the B-channel. Defaults to ``None``. out_shape: (height, width) of the output chip. If ``None``, no resizing is done. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: np.ndarray: A chip of shape (height, width, channels). """ if bands is None or bands == slice(None): bands = self.bands_to_read else: bands = self.bands_to_read[bands] chip = self._get_chip(window, out_shape=out_shape, bands=bands) for transformer in self.raster_transformers: chip = transformer.transform(chip) return chip
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> 'np.ndarray': if isinstance(key, Box): return self.get_chip(key) window, (h, w, c) = parse_array_slices_Nd( key, extent=self.extent, dims=3) out_shape = None if h.step is not None or w.step is not None: out_h, out_w = window.size if h.step is not None: out_h //= h.step if w.step is not None: out_w //= w.step out_shape = (int(out_h), int(out_w)) chip = self.get_chip(window, bands=c, out_shape=out_shape) return chip