Source code for rastervision.core.utils.misc

from typing import Literal, TypeVar
import math

from pydantic.types import NonNegativeInt as NonNegInt, PositiveInt as PosInt

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]def ensure_tuple(x: T, n: int = 2) -> tuple[T, ...]: """Convert to n-tuple if not already an n-tuple.""" if isinstance(x, tuple): if len(x) != n: raise ValueError() return x return tuple([x] * n)
[docs]def calculate_required_padding( extent_sz: PosInt | tuple[PosInt, PosInt], chip_sz: PosInt | tuple[PosInt, PosInt], stride: PosInt | tuple[PosInt, PosInt], pad_direction: Literal['start', 'end', 'both'], crop_sz: NonNegInt | None = None) -> tuple[NonNegInt, NonNegInt]: """Calculate min padding to ensure sliding windows cover all pixels. Args: extent_sz: Extent size as (h, w) tuple. chip_sz: Chip size as (h, w) tuple. stride: Stride size as (h_step, w_step) tuple. pad_direction: One of: 'start', 'end', 'both'. crop_sz: When cropping out window edges during semantic segmentation prediction, pixels at the edges of the scene can be left with no prediction if there is not enough padding. When ``crop_sz`` is specified, the calculated padding takes this into account. Has no effect if zero. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: Padding as (h_pad, w_pad) tuple. """ extent_sz: tuple[PosInt, PosInt] = ensure_tuple(extent_sz) chip_sz: tuple[PosInt, PosInt] = ensure_tuple(chip_sz) stride: tuple[PosInt, PosInt] = ensure_tuple(stride) img_h, img_w = extent_sz chip_h, chip_w = chip_sz stride_h, stride_w = stride if chip_h < stride_h or chip_w < stride_w: raise ValueError( f'chip_sz ({chip_sz}) cannot be less than stride ({stride}).') if crop_sz is not None and crop_sz > 0: if pad_direction != 'both': raise ValueError( 'crop_sz is only supported with pad_direction="both"') cropped_chip_h = chip_h - 2 * crop_sz cropped_chip_w = chip_w - 2 * crop_sz if cropped_chip_h < stride_h or cropped_chip_w < stride_w: raise ValueError( f'Cropped chip size ({(cropped_chip_h, cropped_chip_w)}) ' f'cannot be less than stride ({stride}).') h_padding, w_padding = calculate_required_padding( extent_sz, (cropped_chip_h, cropped_chip_w), stride, pad_direction=pad_direction, crop_sz=None, ) h_padding += 2 * crop_sz w_padding += 2 * crop_sz else: if img_h > chip_h: num_strides = math.ceil((img_h - chip_h) / stride_h) max_val = chip_h + num_strides * stride_h h_padding = max_val - img_h else: h_padding = chip_h - img_h if img_w > chip_w: num_strides = math.ceil((img_w - chip_w) / stride_w) max_val = chip_w + num_strides * stride_w w_padding = max_val - img_w else: w_padding = chip_w - img_w if pad_direction == 'both': h_padding = math.ceil(h_padding / 2) w_padding = math.ceil(w_padding / 2) padding = (h_padding, w_padding) return padding