Source code for rastervision.pytorch_learner.dataset.dataset

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
import logging

import numpy as np
import albumentations as A
import torch
from import Dataset
from shapely.ops import unary_union

from import Box
from import Scene
from import AoiSampler
from rastervision.pytorch_learner.learner_config import PosInt, NonNegInt
from rastervision.pytorch_learner.dataset.transform import (TransformType,

    from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar('T')

def _to_tuple(x: T, n: int = 2) -> Tuple[T, ...]:
    """Convert to n-tuple if not already an n-tuple."""
    if isinstance(x, tuple):
        if len(x) != n:
            raise ValueError()
        return x
    return tuple([x] * n)

[docs]class AlbumentationsDataset(Dataset): """An adapter to use arbitrary datasets with albumentations transforms."""
[docs] def __init__(self, orig_dataset: Any, transform: Optional[A.BasicTransform] = None, transform_type: TransformType = TransformType.noop, normalize=True, to_pytorch=True): """Constructor. Args: orig_dataset (Any): An object with a __getitem__ and __len__. transform (A.BasicTransform, optional): Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. Each transform in Albumentations takes images of type uint8, and sometimes other data types. The data type requirements can be seen at # noqa If there is a mismatch between the data type of imagery and the transform requirements, a RasterTransformer should be set on the RasterSource that converts to uint8, such as MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer. transform_type (TransformType): The type of transform so that its inputs and outputs can be handled correctly. Defaults to TransformType.noop. normalize (bool, optional): If True, x is normalized to [0, 1] based on its data type. Defaults to True. to_pytorch (bool, optional): If True, x and y are converted to pytorch tensors. Defaults to True. """ self.orig_dataset = orig_dataset self.normalize = normalize self.to_pytorch = to_pytorch self.transform_type = transform_type tf_func = TF_TYPE_TO_TF_FUNC[transform_type] self.transform = lambda inp: tf_func(inp, transform) if transform_type == TransformType.object_detection: self.normalize = False self.to_pytorch = False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: val = self.orig_dataset[key] try: x, y = self.transform(val) except Exception as exc: log.warning( 'Many albumentations transforms require uint8 input. Therefore, we ' 'recommend passing a MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer to the ' 'RasterSource so the input will be converted to uint8.') raise exc if self.normalize and np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.unsignedinteger): max_val = np.iinfo(x.dtype).max x = x.astype(float) / max_val if self.to_pytorch: x = torch.from_numpy(x).float() # (..., H, W, C) --> (..., C, H, W) x = x.transpose_(-2, -1).transpose_(-3, -2) if y is not None: y = torch.from_numpy(y) if y is None: # Ideally, y should be None to semantically convey the absence of # any label, but PyTorch's default collate function doesn't handle # None values. y = torch.tensor(np.nan) return x, y
def __len__(self): return len(self.orig_dataset)
[docs]class ImageDataset(AlbumentationsDataset): """ Dataset that reads from image files. """
[docs]class GeoDataset(AlbumentationsDataset): """ Dataset that reads directly from a Scene (i.e. a raster source and a label source). """
[docs] def __init__( self, scene: Scene, out_size: Optional[Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]] = None, within_aoi: bool = True, transform: Optional[A.BasicTransform] = None, transform_type: Optional[TransformType] = None, normalize: bool = True, to_pytorch: bool = True, return_window: bool = False): """Constructor. Args: scene (Scene): A Scene object. out_size: Resize chips to this size before returning. within_aoi: If True and if the scene has an AOI, only sample windows that lie fully within the AOI. If False, windows only partially intersecting the AOI will also be allowed. Defaults to True. transform (Optional[A.BasicTransform], optional): Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. Each transform in Albumentations takes images of type uint8, and sometimes other data types. The data type requirements can be seen at # noqa If there is a mismatch between the data type of imagery and the transform requirements, a RasterTransformer should be set on the RasterSource that converts to uint8, such as MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer. transform_type (Optional[TransformType], optional): Type of transform. Defaults to None. normalize (bool, optional): If True, x is normalized to [0, 1] based on its data type. Defaults to True. to_pytorch (bool, optional): If True, x and y are converted to pytorch tensors. Defaults to True. return_window (bool, optional): Make __getitem__ return the window coordinates used to generate the image. Defaults to False. """ self.scene = scene self.within_aoi = within_aoi self.return_window = return_window self.out_size = None if out_size is not None: self.out_size = _to_tuple(out_size) transform = self.append_resize_transform(transform, self.out_size) super().__init__( orig_dataset=scene, transform=transform, transform_type=transform_type, normalize=normalize, to_pytorch=to_pytorch)
[docs] def append_resize_transform( self, transform: A.BasicTransform | None, out_size: tuple[PosInt, PosInt]) -> A.Resize | A.Compose: """Get transform to use for resizing windows to out_size.""" resize_tf = A.Resize(*out_size, always_apply=True) if transform is None: transform = resize_tf else: transform = A.Compose([transform, resize_tf]) return transform
def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def from_uris(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> 'GeoDataset': raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class SlidingWindowGeoDataset(GeoDataset): """Read the scene left-to-right, top-to-bottom, using a sliding window. """
[docs] def __init__( self, scene: Scene, size: Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]], stride: Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]], out_size: Optional[Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]] = None, padding: Optional[Union[NonNegInt, Tuple[NonNegInt, NonNegInt]]] = None, pad_direction: Literal['both', 'start', 'end'] = 'end', within_aoi: bool = True, transform: Optional[A.BasicTransform] = None, transform_type: Optional[TransformType] = None, normalize: bool = True, to_pytorch: bool = True, return_window: bool = False): """Constructor. Args: scene (Scene): A Scene object. size (Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]): Window size. stride (Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]): Step size between windows. out_size: Resize chips to this size before returning. Defaults to ``None``. padding (Optional[Union[NonNegInt, Tuple[NonNegInt, NonNegInt]]]): How many pixels the windows are allowed to overflow the sides of the raster source. If None, padding is set to size // 2. Defaults to None. pad_direction (Literal['both', 'start', 'end']): If 'end', only pad ymax and xmax (bottom and right). If 'start', only pad ymin and xmin (top and left). If 'both', pad all sides. Has no effect if paddiong is zero. Defaults to 'end'. within_aoi: If True and if the scene has an AOI, only sample windows that lie fully within the AOI. If False, windows only partially intersecting the AOI will also be allowed. Defaults to True. transform (Optional[A.BasicTransform], optional): Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. Each transform in Albumentations takes images of type uint8, and sometimes other data types. The data type requirements can be seen at # noqa If there is a mismatch between the data type of imagery and the transform requirements, a RasterTransformer should be set on the RasterSource that converts to uint8, such as MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer. transform_type (Optional[TransformType], optional): Type of transform. Defaults to None. normalize (bool, optional): If True, x is normalized to [0, 1] based on its data type. Defaults to True. to_pytorch (bool, optional): If True, x and y are converted to pytorch tensors. Defaults to True. return_window (bool, optional): Make __getitem__ return the window coordinates used to generate the image. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__( scene=scene, out_size=out_size, within_aoi=within_aoi, transform=transform, transform_type=transform_type, normalize=normalize, to_pytorch=to_pytorch, return_window=return_window) self.size = _to_tuple(size) self.stride = _to_tuple(stride) self.padding = padding self.pad_direction = pad_direction self.init_windows()
[docs] def init_windows(self) -> None: """Pre-compute windows.""" windows = self.scene.extent.get_windows( self.size, stride=self.stride, padding=self.padding, pad_direction=self.pad_direction) if len(self.scene.aoi_polygons_bbox_coords) > 0: windows = Box.filter_by_aoi( windows, self.scene.aoi_polygons_bbox_coords, within=self.within_aoi) = windows
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int): if idx >= len(self): raise StopIteration() window =[idx] out = super().__getitem__(window) if self.return_window: return (out, window) return out
def __len__(self): return len(
[docs]class RandomWindowGeoDataset(GeoDataset): """Read the scene by sampling random window sizes and locations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, scene: Scene, out_size: Optional[Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]], size_lims: Optional[Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]] = None, h_lims: Optional[Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]] = None, w_lims: Optional[Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]] = None, padding: Optional[Union[NonNegInt, Tuple[NonNegInt, NonNegInt]]] = None, max_windows: Optional[NonNegInt] = None, max_sample_attempts: PosInt = 100, efficient_aoi_sampling: bool = True, within_aoi: bool = True, transform: Optional[A.BasicTransform] = None, transform_type: Optional[TransformType] = None, normalize: bool = True, to_pytorch: bool = True, return_window: bool = False): """Constructor. Will sample square windows if size_lims is specified. Otherwise, will sample rectangular windows with height and width sampled according to h_lims and w_lims. Args: scene (Scene): A Scene object. out_size (Optional[Union[PosInt, Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]]]): Resize windows to this size before returning. This is to aid in collating the windows into a batch. If None, windows are returned without being normalized or converted to pytorch, and will be of different sizes in successive reads. size_lims (Optional[Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]): Interval from which to sample window size. h_lims (Optional[Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]): Interval from which to sample window height. w_lims (Optional[Tuple[PosInt, PosInt]]): Interval from which to sample window width. padding (Optional[Union[NonNegInt, Tuple[NonNegInt, NonNegInt]]]): How many pixels the windows are allowed to overflow the sides of the raster source. If None, padding = size. Defaults to None. max_windows (Optional[NonNegInt]): Max allowed reads. Will raise StopIteration on further read attempts. If None, will be set to np.inf. Defaults to None. transform (Optional[A.BasicTransform], optional): Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. Each transform in Albumentations takes images of type uint8, and sometimes other data types. The data type requirements can be seen at If there is a mismatch between the data type of imagery and the transform requirements, a RasterTransformer should be set on the RasterSource that converts to uint8, such as MinMaxTransformer or StatsTransformer. transform_type (Optional[TransformType], optional): Type of transform. Defaults to None. max_sample_attempts (NonNegInt, optional): Max attempts when trying to find a window within the AOI of the scene. Only used if the scene has aoi_polygons specified. StopIteratioin is raised if this is exceeded. Defaults to 100. efficient_aoi_sampling (bool, optional): If the scene has AOIs, sampling windows at random anywhere in the extent and then checking if they fall within any of the AOIs can be very inefficient. This flag enables the use of an alternate algorithm that only samples window locations inside the AOIs. Defaults to True. within_aoi: If True and if the scene has an AOI, only sample windows that lie fully within the AOI. If False, windows only partially intersecting the AOI will also be allowed. Defaults to True. transform (Optional[A.BasicTransform], optional): Albumentations transform to apply to the windows. Defaults to None. transform_type (Optional[TransformType], optional): Type of transform. Defaults to None. normalize (bool, optional): If True, x is normalized to [0, 1] based on its data type. Defaults to True. to_pytorch (bool, optional): If True, x and y are converted to pytorch tensors. Defaults to True. return_window (bool, optional): Make __getitem__ return the window coordinates used to generate the image. Defaults to False. """ # noqa has_size_lims = size_lims is not None has_h_lims = h_lims is not None has_w_lims = w_lims is not None if has_size_lims == (has_w_lims or has_h_lims): raise ValueError('Specify either size_lims or h and w lims.') if has_h_lims != has_w_lims: raise ValueError('h_lims and w_lims must both be specified') if out_size is None: log.warning(f'out_size is None, chips will not be normalized or ' 'converted to PyTorch Tensors.') normalize, to_pytorch = False, False super().__init__( scene=scene, out_size=out_size, within_aoi=within_aoi, transform=transform, transform_type=transform_type, normalize=normalize, to_pytorch=to_pytorch, return_window=return_window) if padding is None: if has_size_lims: max_size = size_lims[1] padding = (max_size // 2, max_size // 2) else: max_h, max_w = h_lims[1], w_lims[1] padding = (max_h // 2, max_w // 2) padding = _to_tuple(padding) if max_windows is None: max_windows = np.iinfo('int').max self.size_lims = size_lims self.h_lims = h_lims self.w_lims = w_lims self.padding = padding self.max_windows = max_windows self.max_sample_attempts = max_sample_attempts # include padding in the extent ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = scene.extent h_padding, w_padding = self.padding self.extent = Box(ymin - h_padding, xmin - w_padding, ymax + h_padding, xmax + w_padding) self.aoi_sampler = None aoi_polygons = self.scene.aoi_polygons_bbox_coords self.has_aoi_polygons = len(aoi_polygons) > 0 if self.has_aoi_polygons: extent_polygon = self.extent.to_shapely() aoi: 'Polygon' | 'MultiPolygon' = unary_union(aoi_polygons) # only sample from polygons that intersect w/ the extent self.aoi = aoi.intersection(extent_polygon) if efficient_aoi_sampling: try: self.aoi_sampler = AoiSampler([self.aoi]) except ModuleNotFoundError:'Ignoring efficient_aoi_sampling since triangle ' 'is not installed.')
@property def min_size(self): if self.size_lims is not None: return self.size_lims[0], self.size_lims[0] return self.h_lims[0], self.w_lims[0] @property def max_size(self): if self.size_lims is not None: return self.size_lims[1], self.size_lims[1] return self.h_lims[1], self.w_lims[1]
[docs] def sample_window_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Randomly sample the window size.""" if self.size_lims is not None: sz_min, sz_max = self.size_lims if sz_max == sz_min + 1: return sz_min, sz_min size = torch.randint(low=sz_min, high=sz_max, size=(1, )).item() return size, size hmin, hmax = self.h_lims wmin, wmax = self.w_lims h = torch.randint(low=hmin, high=hmax, size=(1, )).item() w = torch.randint(low=wmin, high=wmax, size=(1, )).item() return h, w
[docs] def sample_window_loc(self, h: int, w: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Randomly sample coordinates of the top left corner of the window.""" if not self.aoi_sampler: ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = self.extent y = torch.randint(low=ymin, high=ymax - h, size=(1, )).item() x = torch.randint(low=xmin, high=xmax - w, size=(1, )).item() else: x, y = self.aoi_sampler.sample().round().T x, y = int(x.item()), int(y.item()) return x, y
def _sample_window(self) -> Box: """Randomly sample a window with random size and location.""" h, w = self.sample_window_size() x, y = self.sample_window_loc(h, w) window = Box(y, x, y + h, x + w) return window
[docs] def sample_window(self) -> Box: """Sample a window with random size and location within the AOI. If the scene has AOI polygons, try to find a random window that is within the AOI. Otherwise, just return the first sampled window. Raises: StopIteration: If unable to find a valid window within self.max_sample_attempts attempts. Returns: Box: The sampled window. """ if not self.has_aoi_polygons: window = self._sample_window() return window for _ in range(self.max_sample_attempts): window = self._sample_window() if self.within_aoi: if Box.within_aoi(window, self.aoi): return window else: if Box.intersects_aoi(window, self.aoi): return window raise StopIteration('Failed to find valid window within scene AOI in ' f'{self.max_sample_attempts} attempts.')
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int): if idx >= len(self): raise StopIteration() window = self.sample_window() out = super().__getitem__(window) if self.return_window: return (out, window) return out
def __len__(self): return self.max_windows