Source code for rastervision.pytorch_learner.utils.utils

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Container, Iterable, Sequence
from os.path import basename, join, isfile
import logging

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.hub import _import_module
import numpy as np
import albumentations as A
from albumentations.core.transforms_interface import ImageOnlyTransform
import cv2
import pandas as pd

from rastervision.pipeline.file_system.utils import (file_exists, file_to_json,
from rastervision.pipeline.config import (build_config, Config, ConfigError,

    from typing import Self
    import onnxruntime as ort
    from rastervision.pytorch_learner import LearnerConfig

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def compute_conf_mat(out: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, num_labels: int) -> torch.Tensor: labels = torch.arange(0, num_labels).to(out.device) conf_mat = ((out == labels[:, None]) & (y == labels[:, None, None])).sum( dim=2, dtype=torch.float32) return conf_mat
[docs]def compute_conf_mat_metrics(conf_mat: torch.Tensor, label_names: list[str], ignore_idx: int | None = None, eps: float = 1e-6): # eps is to avoid dividing by zero. eps = torch.tensor(eps) conf_mat = conf_mat.cpu() if ignore_idx is not None: keep_mask = torch.arange(len(conf_mat)) != ignore_idx conf_mat = conf_mat[keep_mask, :] conf_mat = conf_mat[:, keep_mask] label_names = ( label_names[:ignore_idx] + label_names[(ignore_idx + 1):]) gt_count = conf_mat.sum(dim=1) pred_count = conf_mat.sum(dim=0) total = conf_mat.sum() true_pos = torch.diag(conf_mat) precision = true_pos / torch.max(pred_count, eps) recall = true_pos / torch.max(gt_count, eps) f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / torch.max(precision + recall, eps) weights = gt_count / total weighted_precision = (weights * precision).sum() weighted_recall = (weights * recall).sum() weighted_f1 = ((2 * weighted_precision * weighted_recall) / torch.max( weighted_precision + weighted_recall, eps)) metrics = { 'avg_precision': weighted_precision.item(), 'avg_recall': weighted_recall.item(), 'avg_f1': weighted_f1.item() } for i, label in enumerate(label_names): metrics.update({ f'{label}_precision': precision[i].item(), f'{label}_recall': recall[i].item(), f'{label}_f1': f1[i].item(), }) return metrics
[docs]def validate_albumentation_transform(tf_dict: dict | None) -> dict: """ Validate a serialized albumentation transform by attempting to deserialize it. """ if tf_dict is not None: try: lambda_transforms_path = tf_dict.get('lambda_transforms_path', None) # hack: if this is being called while building the config from the # bundle, skip the validation because the 'lambda_transforms_path's # have not been adjusted yet if (lambda_transforms_path is not None and lambda_transforms_path.startswith('model-bundle')): return tf_dict else: _ = deserialize_albumentation_transform(tf_dict) except Exception: raise ConfigError('The given serialization is invalid. Use ' 'A.to_dict(transform) to serialize.') return tf_dict
[docs]def serialize_albumentation_transform( tf: A.BasicTransform, lambda_transforms_path: str | None = None, dst_dir: str | None = None) -> dict: """Serialize an albumentations transform to a dict. If the transform includes a Lambda transform, a `lambda_transforms_path` should be provided. This should be a path to a python file that defines a dict named `lambda_transforms` as required by `A.from_dict()`. See for details. This path is saved as a field in the returned dict so that it is available at the time of deserialization. Args: tf (A.BasicTransform): The transform to serialize. lambda_transforms_path (str | None): Path to a python file that defines a dict named `lambda_transforms` as required by `A.from_dict()`. Defaults to None. dst_dir (str | None): Directory to copy the transforms file to. Useful for copying the file to S3 when running on Batch. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: The serialized transform. """ tf_dict = A.to_dict(tf) if lambda_transforms_path is not None: if dst_dir is not None: from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import upload_or_copy filename = basename(lambda_transforms_path) dst_uri = join(dst_dir, filename) upload_or_copy(lambda_transforms_path, dst_uri) lambda_transforms_path = dst_uri # save the path in the dict so that it is available # at deserialization time tf_dict['lambda_transforms_path'] = lambda_transforms_path return tf_dict
[docs]def deserialize_albumentation_transform(tf_dict: dict) -> A.BasicTransform: """Deserialize an albumentations transform serialized by `serialize_albumentation_transform()`. If the input dict contains a `lambda_transforms_path`, the `lambda_transforms` dict is dynamically imported from it and passed to `A.from_dict()`. See for details Args: tf_dict (dict): Serialized albumentations transform. Returns: A.BasicTransform: Deserialized transform. """ lambda_transforms_path = tf_dict.get('lambda_transforms_path', None) if lambda_transforms_path is not None: from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import download_if_needed with get_tmp_dir() as tmp_dir: filename = basename(lambda_transforms_path) # download the transforms definition file into tmp_dir lambda_transforms_path = download_if_needed( lambda_transforms_path, tmp_dir) # import it as a module lambda_transforms_module = _import_module( name=filename, path=lambda_transforms_path) # retrieve the lambda_transforms dict from the module lambda_transforms: dict = getattr(lambda_transforms_module, 'lambda_transforms') # de-serialize tf = A.from_dict(tf_dict, nonserializable=lambda_transforms) else: tf = A.from_dict(tf_dict) return tf
[docs]class SplitTensor(nn.Module): """ Wrapper around `torch.split` """
[docs] def __init__(self, size_or_sizes, dim): super().__init__() self.size_or_sizes = size_or_sizes self.dim = dim
[docs] def forward(self, X): return X.split(self.size_or_sizes, dim=self.dim)
[docs]class Parallel(nn.ModuleList): """ Passes inputs through multiple `nn.Module`s in parallel. Returns a tuple of outputs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(args)
[docs] def forward(self, xs): if isinstance(xs, torch.Tensor): return tuple(m(xs) for m in self) assert len(xs) == len(self) return tuple(m(x) for m, x in zip(self, xs))
[docs]class AddTensors(nn.Module): """ Adds all its inputs together. """
[docs] def forward(self, xs): return sum(xs)
[docs]class MinMaxNormalize(ImageOnlyTransform): """Albumentations transform that normalizes image to desired min and max values. This will shift and scale the image appropriately to achieve the desired min and max. """
[docs] def __init__( self, min_val=0.0, max_val=1.0, dtype=cv2.CV_32F, always_apply=False, p=1.0, ): """Constructor. Args: min_val: the minimum value that output should have max_val: the maximum value that output should have dtype: the dtype of output image """ super(MinMaxNormalize, self).__init__(always_apply, p) self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val self.dtype = dtype
def _apply_on_channel(self, image, **params): out = cv2.normalize( image, None, self.min_val, self.max_val, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=self.dtype) # We need to clip because sometimes values are slightly less or more than # min_val and max_val due to rounding errors. return np.clip(out, self.min_val, self.max_val)
[docs] def apply(self, image, **params): if image.ndim <= 2: return self._apply_on_channel(image, **params) assert image.ndim == 3 chs = [ self._apply_on_channel(ch, **params) for ch in image.transpose(2, 0, 1) ] out = np.stack(chs, axis=2) return out
[docs] def get_transform_init_args_names(self): return ('min_val', 'max_val', 'dtype')
[docs]def adjust_conv_channels(old_conv: nn.Conv2d, in_channels: int, pretrained: bool = True) -> nn.Conv2d | nn.Sequential: if in_channels == old_conv.in_channels: return old_conv # These parameters will be the same for the new conv layer. # This list should be kept up to date with the Conv2d definition. old_conv_args = { 'out_channels': old_conv.out_channels, 'kernel_size': old_conv.kernel_size, 'stride': old_conv.stride, 'padding': old_conv.padding, 'dilation': old_conv.dilation, 'groups': old_conv.groups, 'bias': old_conv.bias is not None, 'padding_mode': old_conv.padding_mode } if not pretrained: # simply replace the first conv layer with one with the # correct number of input channels new_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, **old_conv_args) return new_conv if in_channels > old_conv.in_channels: # insert a new conv layer parallel to the existing one # and sum their outputs extra_channels = in_channels - old_conv.in_channels extra_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=extra_channels, **old_conv_args) new_conv = nn.Sequential( # split input along channel dim SplitTensor((old_conv.in_channels, extra_channels), dim=1), # each split goes to its respective conv layer Parallel(old_conv, extra_conv), # sum the parallel outputs AddTensors()) return new_conv elif in_channels < old_conv.in_channels: new_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, **old_conv_args) pretrained_kernels =[:, :in_channels][:, :in_channels] = pretrained_kernels return new_conv else: raise ConfigError('Something went wrong.')
[docs]def plot_channel_groups(axs: Iterable, imgs: Iterable[np.ndarray | torch.Tensor], channel_groups: dict, plot_title: bool = True) -> None: for title, ax, img in zip(channel_groups.keys(), axs, imgs): ax.imshow(img) if plot_title: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([])
[docs]def channel_groups_to_imgs( x: torch.Tensor, channel_groups: dict[str, Sequence[int]]) -> list[torch.Tensor]: imgs = [] for title, ch_inds in channel_groups.items(): img = x[..., ch_inds] if len(ch_inds) == 1: # repeat single channel 3 times img = img.expand(-1, -1, 3) elif len(ch_inds) == 2: # add a 3rd channel with all pixels set to 0.5 h, w, _ = x.shape third_channel = torch.full((h, w, 1), fill_value=.5) img =, third_channel), dim=-1) elif len(ch_inds) > 3: # only use the first 3 channels log.warning(f'Only plotting first 3 channels of channel-group ' f'{title}: {ch_inds}.') img = x[..., ch_inds[:3]] imgs.append(img) return imgs
[docs]def log_metrics_to_csv(csv_path: str, metrics: dict[str, Any]): """Append epoch metrics to CSV file.""" # dict --> single-row DataFrame metrics_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([metrics]) # if file already exist, append row log_file_exists = isfile(csv_path) metrics_df.to_csv( csv_path, mode='a', header=(not log_file_exists), index=False)
[docs]def aggregate_metrics( outputs: list[dict[str, float | torch.Tensor]], exclude_keys: Container[str] = set('conf_mat')) -> dict[str, float]: """Aggregate the output of validate_step at the end of the epoch. Args: outputs: A list of outputs of Learner.validate_step(). exclude_keys: Keys to ignore. These will not be aggregated and will not be included in the output. Defaults to {'conf_mat'}. Returns: dict[str, float]: Dict with aggregated values. """ metrics = {} metric_names = outputs[0].keys() for metric_name in metric_names: if metric_name in exclude_keys: continue metric_vals = [out[metric_name] for out in outputs] elem = metric_vals[0] if isinstance(elem, torch.Tensor): if elem.ndim == 0: metric_vals = torch.stack(metric_vals) else: metric_vals = metric_avg = metric_vals.float().mean().item() else: metric_avg = sum(metric_vals) / len(metric_vals) metrics[metric_name] = metric_avg return metrics
[docs]def log_system_details(): """Log some system details.""" import os import sys import psutil # CPUs'Physical CPUs: {psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)}')'Logical CPUs: {psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)}') # memory usage mem_stats = psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict()'Total memory: {mem_stats["total"] / 2**30: .2f} GB') # disk usage if os.path.isdir('/opt/data/'): disk_stats = psutil.disk_usage('/opt/data')._asdict() f'Size of /opt/data volume: {disk_stats["total"] / 2**30: .2f} GB') disk_stats = psutil.disk_usage('/')._asdict()'Size of / volume: {disk_stats["total"] / 2**30: .2f} GB') # python'Python version: {sys.version}') # nvidia GPU try: with os.popen('nvcc --version') as f: with os.popen('nvidia-smi') as f:'Devices:') device_query = ' '.join([ 'nvidia-smi', '--format=csv', '--query-gpu=index,name,driver_version,,memory.used,' ]) with os.popen(device_query) as f: except FileNotFoundError: pass # pytorch and CUDA'PyTorch version: {torch.__version__}')'CUDA available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}')'CUDA version: {torch.version.cuda}')'CUDNN version: {torch.backends.cudnn.version()}')'Number of CUDA devices: {torch.cuda.device_count()}') if torch.cuda.is_available():'Active CUDA Device: GPU {torch.cuda.current_device()}')
[docs]class ONNXRuntimeAdapter: """Wrapper around ONNX-runtime that behaves like a PyTorch nn.Module. That is, it implements __call__() and accepts PyTorch Tensors as inputs and also outputs PyTorch Tensors. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ort_session: 'ort.InferenceSession') -> None: """Constructor. Args: ort_session (ort.InferenceSession): ONNX-runtime InferenceSession. """ self.ort_session = ort_session inputs = ort_session.get_inputs() if len(inputs) > 1: return ValueError('ONNX model must only take one input.') self.input_key = inputs[0].name
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: str, providers: list[str] | None = None) -> 'Self': """Construct from file. Args: path: Path to a .onnx file. providers: ONNX-runtime execution providers. See ``onnxruntime`` documentation for more details. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ONNXRuntimeAdapter: An ONNXRuntimeAdapter instance. """ import onnxruntime as ort if providers is None: providers = ort.get_available_providers()'Using ONNX execution providers: {providers}') ort_session = ort.InferenceSession(path, providers=providers) onnx_model = cls(ort_session) return onnx_model
def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: x = x.numpy() outputs =, {self.input_key: x}) out = outputs[0] if isinstance(out, np.ndarray): out = torch.from_numpy(out) return out
[docs]def get_learner_config_from_bundle_dir( model_bundle_dir: str) -> 'LearnerConfig': config_path = join(model_bundle_dir, 'learner-config.json') if file_exists(config_path): cfg = Config.from_file(config_path) else: # backward compatibility config_path = join(model_bundle_dir, 'pipeline-config.json') if not file_exists(config_path): raise FileNotFoundError( 'Could not find a valid config file in the bundle.') pipeline_cfg_dict = file_to_json(config_path) cfg_dict = pipeline_cfg_dict['learner'] cfg_dict['plugin_versions'] = pipeline_cfg_dict['plugin_versions'] cfg_dict = upgrade_config(cfg_dict) cfg_dict.pop('plugin_versions', None) cfg = build_config(cfg_dict) return cfg