from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import resize
from import Box
from import parse_array_slices_Nd
from import (
get_transformed_num_channels, get_transformed_dtype)
from import (CRSTransformer, RasterTransformer)
[docs]class ChannelOrderError(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, channel_order: list[int], num_channels_raw: int):
self.channel_order = channel_order
self.num_channels_raw = num_channels_raw
msg = (f'The channel_order ({channel_order}) contains an '
f'index >= num_channels_raw ({num_channels_raw}).')
[docs]class RasterSource(ABC):
"""A source of raster data.
This should be subclassed when adding a new source of raster data such as
a set of files, an API, a TMS URI schema, etc.
[docs] def __init__(self,
channel_order: list[int] | None,
num_channels_raw: int,
dtype_raw: np.dtype,
bbox: Box,
raster_transformers: list['RasterTransformer'] = []):
channel_order: list of channel indices to use when extracting chip
from raw imagery.
num_channels_raw: Number of channels in the raw imagery before
applying channel_order.
dtype_raw: dtype of the raw imagery before applying transformers.
bbox: Extent or a crop of the extent.
raster_transformers: ``RasterTransformers`` for transforming chips
whenever they are retrieved. Defaults to ``[]``.
if channel_order is None:
channel_order = list(range(num_channels_raw))
if any(c >= num_channels_raw for c in channel_order):
raise ChannelOrderError(channel_order, num_channels_raw)
self.channel_order = channel_order
self.num_channels_raw = num_channels_raw
self.dtype_raw = np.dtype(dtype_raw)
self.raster_transformers = raster_transformers
self._bbox = bbox
self._num_channels = None
self._dtype = None
def num_channels(self) -> int:
"""Number of channels in the chips read from this source."""
if self._num_channels is None:
num_channels = len(self.channel_order)
self._num_channels = get_transformed_num_channels(
self.raster_transformers, num_channels)
return self._num_channels
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
"""Shape of the raster as a (height, width, num_channels) tuple."""
H, W = self.bbox.size
return H, W, self.num_channels
def dtype(self) -> 'np.dtype':
"""``numpy.dtype`` of the chips read from this source."""
if self._dtype is None:
dtype = self.dtype_raw
self._dtype = get_transformed_dtype(self.raster_transformers,
return self._dtype
def bbox(self) -> 'Box':
"""Bounding box applied to the source imagery."""
return self._bbox
def extent(self) -> 'Box':
"""Extent of the ``RasterSource``."""
return self.bbox.extent
def crs_transformer(self) -> 'CRSTransformer':
"""Associated :class:`.CRSTransformer`."""
[docs] def set_bbox(self, bbox: 'Box') -> None:
"""Set self.bbox to the given value.
.. note:: This method is idempotent.
bbox (Box): User-specified bbox in pixel coordinates.
self._bbox = bbox
def _get_chip(self,
window: 'Box',
out_shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> 'np.ndarray':
"""Return raw chip without applying channel_order or transforms.
window (Box): The window for which to get the chip.
out_shape (tuple[int, int] | None): (height, width) to resize
the chip to.
[height, width, channels] numpy array
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> 'np.ndarray':
if isinstance(key, Box):
return self.get_chip(key)
window, (h, w, c) = parse_array_slices_Nd(
key, extent=self.extent, dims=3)
chip = self.get_chip(window)
if h.step is not None or w.step is not None:
chip = chip[::h.step, ::w.step]
chip = chip[..., c]
return chip
[docs] def get_chip(self, window: 'Box',
out_shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> 'np.ndarray':
"""Return the transformed chip in the window.
Get a raw chip, extract subset of channels using channel_order, and then apply
window (Box): The window for which to get the chip.
out_shape (tuple[int, int] | None): (height, width) to resize
the chip to.
np.ndarray: Array of shape (..., height, width, channels).
chip = self._get_chip(window, out_shape=out_shape)
chip = chip[..., self.channel_order]
for transformer in self.raster_transformers:
chip = transformer.transform(chip)
return chip
[docs] def get_chip_by_map_window(self, window_map_coords: 'Box', *args,
**kwargs) -> 'np.ndarray':
"""Same as get_chip(), but input is a window in map coords."""
window_pixel_coords = self.crs_transformer.map_to_pixel(
window_map_coords, bbox=self.bbox)
chip = self.get_chip(window_pixel_coords, *args, **kwargs)
return chip
def _get_chip_by_map_window(self, window_map_coords: 'Box', *args,
**kwargs) -> 'np.ndarray':
"""Same as _get_chip(), but input is a window in map coords."""
window_pixel_coords = self.crs_transformer.map_to_pixel(
window_map_coords, bbox=self.bbox)
chip = self._get_chip(window_pixel_coords, *args, **kwargs)
return chip
[docs] def get_raw_chip(self,
window: 'Box',
out_shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> 'np.ndarray':
"""Return raw chip without applying channel_order or transforms.
window (Box): The window for which to get the chip.
np.ndarray: Array of shape (..., height, width, channels).
return self._get_chip(window, out_shape=out_shape)
[docs] def resize(self,
chip: 'np.ndarray',
out_shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> 'np.ndarray':
out_shape = chip.shape[:-3] + out_shape
out = resize(chip, out_shape, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True)
out = out.round(6).astype(chip.dtype)
return out