Source code for

from typing import List, Union

from import Box
from import RasterSourceConfig, RasterioSource
from rastervision.pipeline.config import ConfigError, Field, register_config

def rasterio_source_config_upgrader(cfg_dict: dict,
                                    version: int) -> dict:  # pragma: no cover
    if version == 5:
        # removed in version 6
        x_shift = cfg_dict.get('x_shift', 0)
        y_shift = cfg_dict.get('y_shift', 0)
        if x_shift != 0 or y_shift != 0:
            raise ConfigError('x_shift and y_shift are deprecated. '
                              'Use the ShiftTransformer instead.')
            del cfg_dict['x_shift']
            del cfg_dict['y_shift']
        except KeyError:
    return cfg_dict

[docs]@register_config('rasterio_source', upgrader=rasterio_source_config_upgrader) class RasterioSourceConfig(RasterSourceConfig): """Configure a :class:`.RasterioSource`.""" uris: Union[str, List[str]] = Field( ..., description='One or more image URIs that comprise the imagery for a ' 'scene. The format of each file can be any that can be read by ' 'Rasterio/GDAL. If > 1 URI is provided, a VRT will be created to ' 'mosaic together the individual images.') allow_streaming: bool = Field( False, description='Stream assets as needed rather than downloading them.')
[docs] def build(self, tmp_dir, use_transformers=True): raster_transformers = ([ for rt in self.transformers] if use_transformers else []) bbox = Box(*self.bbox) if self.bbox is not None else None return RasterioSource( uris=self.uris, raster_transformers=raster_transformers, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, allow_streaming=self.allow_streaming, channel_order=self.channel_order, bbox=bbox)