Source code for

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Tuple

from import match_bboxes, geoms_to_bbox_coords

    from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
    from import Box
    from import (RasterSource, LabelSource, LabelStore)

[docs]class Scene: """The raster data and labels associated with an area of interest."""
[docs] def __init__(self, id: str, raster_source: 'RasterSource', label_source: Optional['LabelSource'] = None, label_store: Optional['LabelStore'] = None, aoi_polygons: Optional[List['BaseGeometry']] = None): """Constructor. During initialization, ``Scene`` attempts to set the extents of the given ``label_source`` and the ``label_store`` to be identical to the extent of the given ``raster_source``. Args: id: ID for this scene. raster_source: Source of imagery for this scene. label_source: Source of labels for this scene. label_store: Store of predictions for this scene. aoi: Optional list of AOI polygons in pixel coordinates. """ if label_source is not None: match_bboxes(raster_source, label_source) if label_store is not None: match_bboxes(raster_source, label_store) = id self.raster_source = raster_source self.label_source = label_source self.label_store = label_store if aoi_polygons is None: self.aoi_polygons = [] self.aoi_polygons_bbox_coords = [] else: for p in aoi_polygons: if p.geom_type not in ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon']: raise ValueError( 'Expected all AOI geometries to be Polygons or ' f'MultiPolygons. Found: {p.geom_type}.') bbox = self.raster_source.bbox bbox_geom = bbox.to_shapely() self.aoi_polygons = [ p for p in aoi_polygons if p.intersects(bbox_geom) ] self.aoi_polygons_bbox_coords = list( geoms_to_bbox_coords(self.aoi_polygons, bbox))
@property def extent(self) -> 'Box': """Extent of the associated :class:`.RasterSource`.""" return self.raster_source.extent @property def bbox(self) -> 'Box': """Bounding box applied to the source data.""" return self.raster_source.bbox
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: x = self.raster_source[key] if self.label_source is not None: y = self.label_source[key] else: y = None return x, y