Source code for rastervision.core.utils.cog

import os
from subprocess import Popen

from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import (download_or_copy,


DEFAULT_OVERVIEWS = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]

[docs]def gdal_cog_commands(input_path, tmp_dir, block_size=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, resample_method=DEFAULT_RESAMPLE_METHOD, compression=DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, overviews=None): """ GDAL commands to create a COG from an input file. Returns a tuple (commands, output_path) """ if not overviews: overviews = DEFAULT_OVERVIEWS def get_output_path(command): fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_path))[0] return os.path.join(tmp_dir, '{}-{}.tif'.format(fname, command)) compression = compression.lower() def add_compression(cmd, overview=False): if compression != 'none': if not overview: return cmd[:1] + ['-co', 'compress={}'.format(compression) ] + cmd[1:] else: return cmd[:1] + [ '--config', 'COMPRESS_OVERVIEW', compression ] + cmd[1:] else: return cmd # Step 1: Translate to a GeoTiff. translate_path = get_output_path('translate') translate = add_compression([ 'gdal_translate', '-of', 'GTiff', '-co', 'tiled=YES', '-co', 'BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER', input_path, translate_path ]) # Step 2: Add overviews add_overviews = add_compression( ['gdaladdo', '-r', resample_method, translate_path] + list( map(lambda x: str(x), overviews)), overview=True) # Step 3: Translate to COG output_path = get_output_path('cog') create_cog = add_compression([ 'gdal_translate', '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-co', 'COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE={}'.format(block_size), '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE={}'.format(block_size), '-co', 'BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER', '--config', 'GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE', str(block_size), translate_path, output_path ]) return ([translate, add_overviews, create_cog], output_path)
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd): p = Popen(cmd) (out, err) = p.communicate(input) if p.returncode != 0: s = 'Command failed:\n' s += ' '.join(cmd) + '\n\n' if out: s += out + '\n\n' if err: s += err raise Exception(s)
[docs]def create_cog(source_uri, dest_uri, local_dir, block_size=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, resample_method=DEFAULT_RESAMPLE_METHOD, compression=DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, overviews=None): local_path = download_or_copy(source_uri, local_dir) commands, output_path = gdal_cog_commands( local_path, local_dir, block_size=block_size, resample_method=resample_method, compression=compression, overviews=overviews) for command in commands: run_cmd(command) upload_or_copy(output_path, dest_uri)