Source code for rastervision.core.utils.stac

from urllib.parse import urlparse
import logging
from itertools import islice

import boto3
from pystac import StacIO, Catalog, Item
from pystac.stac_io import DefaultStacIO
from shapely.geometry import box

from rastervision.pipeline.file_system import file_to_json

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def setup_stac_io() -> None: def read_method(uri: str): parsed = urlparse(uri) if parsed.scheme == 's3': bucket = parsed.netloc key = parsed.path[1:] s3 = boto3.resource('s3') obj = s3.Object(bucket, key) return obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') else: return DefaultStacIO.read_text_method(uri) def write_method(uri: str, txt: str): parsed = urlparse(uri) if parsed.scheme == 's3': bucket = parsed.netloc key = parsed.path[1:] s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.Object(bucket, key).put(Body=txt) else: DefaultStacIO.write_text_method(uri, txt) StacIO.read_text_method = read_method StacIO.write_text_method = write_method
[docs]def is_label_item(item: Item) -> bool: """Resolve each extension schema into a dict, then check if it has the title of "Label Extension". """ for ext_schema_uri in item.stac_extensions: schema = file_to_json(ext_schema_uri) if schema['title'].lower() == 'label extension': return True return False
[docs]def get_linked_image_item(label_item: Item) -> Item | None: """Find link in the item that has "rel" == "source" and return its "target" item. If no such link, return None. If multiple such links, raise an exception.""" links = [link for link in label_item.links if link.rel.lower() == 'source'] if len(links) == 0: return None elif len(links) > 1: raise NotImplementedError() image_item = links[0].resolve_stac_object().target return image_item
[docs]def parse_stac(stac_uri: str, item_limit: int | None = None) -> list[dict]: """Parse a STAC catalog JSON file to extract label URIs, images URIs, and AOIs. Note: This has been tested to be compatible with STAC version 1.0.0 but not any other versions. Args: stac_uri (str): Path to the STAC catalog JSON file. Returns: list[dict]: A list of dicts with keys: "label_uri", "image_uris", "label_bbox", "image_bbox", "bboxes_intersect", and "aoi_geometry". Each dict corresponds to one label item and its associated image assets in the STAC catalog. """ setup_stac_io() cat = Catalog.from_file(stac_uri) version: str = cat.to_dict()['stac_version'] if not version.startswith('1.0'): log.warning(f'Parsing is not guaranteed to work correctly for ' f'STAC version != 1.0.*. Found version: {version}.') cat.make_all_asset_hrefs_absolute() label_items = list( islice(filter(is_label_item, cat.get_all_items()), item_limit)) image_items = [get_linked_image_item(item) for item in label_items] if len(label_items) == 0: raise ValueError('Unable to find any label items in STAC catalog.') out = [] for label_item, image_item in zip(label_items, image_items): label_uri: str = list(label_item.assets.values())[0].href label_bbox = box(*label_item.bbox) aoi_geometry: dict | None = label_item.geometry if image_item is not None: image_assets = [ asset for asset in image_item.get_assets().values() if 'image' in asset.media_type ] image_uris = [asset.href for asset in image_assets] image_bbox = box(*image_item.bbox) bboxes_intersect = label_bbox.intersects(image_bbox) else: image_uris = [] image_bbox = None bboxes_intersect = False out.append({ 'label_uri': label_uri, 'image_uris': image_uris, 'label_bbox': label_bbox, 'image_bbox': image_bbox, 'bboxes_intersect': bboxes_intersect, 'aoi_geometry': aoi_geometry }) return out
[docs]def read_stac(uri: str, extract_dir: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> list[dict]: """Parse the contents of a STAC catalog. The file is downloaded if needed. If it is a zip file, it is unzipped and the catalog.json inside is parsed. Args: uri (str): Either a URI to a STAC catalog JSON file or a URI to a zip file containing a STAC catalog JSON file. extract_dir (str | None): Dir to extract to, if URI is a zip file. If None, a temporary dir will be used. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Extra args for :func:`.parse_stac`. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If catalog.json is not found inside the zip file. Exception: If multiple catalog.json's are found inside the zip file. Returns: list[dict]: A list of dicts with keys: "label_uri", "image_uris", "label_bbox", "image_bbox", "bboxes_intersect", and "aoi_geometry". Each dict corresponds to one label item and its associated image assets in the STAC catalog. """ from pathlib import Path from rastervision.pipeline.file_system.utils import (download_if_needed, is_archive, extract) catalog_path = download_if_needed(uri) if catalog_path.lower().endswith('.json'): return parse_stac(catalog_path, **kwargs) if not is_archive(catalog_path): raise ValueError(f'Unsupported file format: ("{uri}"). ' 'URIS must be a JSON file or compressed archive.') extract_dir = extract(catalog_path, extract_dir) catalog_paths = list(Path(extract_dir).glob('**/catalog.json')) if len(catalog_paths) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Unable to find "catalog.json" in {uri}.') elif len(catalog_paths) > 1: raise Exception(f'More than one "catalog.json" found in ' f'{uri}.') catalog_path = str(catalog_paths[0]) return parse_stac(catalog_path, **kwargs)