Source code for rastervision.pytorch_learner.utils.distributed

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
import os
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
import gc
import logging

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

from rastervision.pipeline import rv_config_ as rv_config

    from rastervision.pytorch_learner import Learner

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DDP_BACKEND = rv_config.get_namespace_option('rastervision', 'DDP_BACKEND',

[docs]class DDPContextManager(AbstractContextManager): # pragma: no cover """Context manager for initializing and destroying DDP process groups. Note that this context manager does not start processes itself, but merely calls :func:`torch.distributed.init_process_group` and :func:`torch.distributed.destroy_process_group` and sets DDP-related fields in the :class:`Learner` to appropriate values. If a process group is already initialized, this context manager does nothing on either entry or exit. """
[docs] def __init__(self, learner: 'Learner', rank: Optional[int] = None, world_size: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Constructor. Args: learner: The :class:`Learner` on which to set DDP-related fields. rank: The process rank. If ``None``, will be set to ``Learner.ddp_rank``. Defaults to ``None``. world_size: The world size. If ``None``, will be set to ``Learner.ddp_world_size``. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ValueError: If ``rank`` or ``world_size`` not provided and aren't set on the :class:`Learner`. """ self.learner = learner self.rank = learner.ddp_rank if rank is None else rank self.world_size = (learner.ddp_world_size if world_size is None else world_size) if self.rank is None or self.world_size is None: raise ValueError('Could not determine rank and world_size.') self.noop = dist.is_initialized()
def __enter__(self) -> Any: if self.noop: return learner = self.learner rank = self.rank world_size = self.world_size os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = os.environ.get('MASTER_ADDR', 'localhost') os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = os.environ.get('MASTER_PORT', '12355') log.debug('Calling init_process_group()') dist.init_process_group(DDP_BACKEND, rank=rank, world_size=world_size) if learner.ddp_rank is None: learner.ddp_rank = rank if learner.ddp_local_rank is None: # Implies process was spawned by learner.train(), and therefore, # this is necessarily a single-node multi-GPU scenario. # So global rank == local rank. learner.ddp_local_rank = rank if learner.ddp_world_size is None: learner.ddp_world_size = world_size'DDP rank: %d, DDP local rank: %d', learner.ddp_rank, learner.ddp_local_rank) learner.is_ddp_process = True learner.is_ddp_master = learner.ddp_rank == 0 learner.is_ddp_local_master = learner.ddp_local_rank == 0 learner.device = torch.device(learner.device.type, learner.ddp_local_rank) torch.cuda.set_device(learner.device) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.noop: return dist.barrier() dist.destroy_process_group() gc.collect()